
  • n.普罗塔哥拉
  1. On this paper I will prove the conflicts between Protagoras and Socrates are based on the foundation of the different understanding for knowledge ;


  2. First establishment of the subject position of human Being-Explanation of protagoras 's well-known saying " human being is the yardstick of all things on earth "


  3. Comparison and Interpretation of Philosophy of Politics Between Protagoras and Plato


  4. The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Protagoras , who believed that truth and knowledge are created by the mind .


  5. Protagoras argued that the gods have given everyone a share in political wisdom and that all therefore are able to participate in government and achieve virtue .


  6. The principle of subjectivity plays the role of a fundamental principle in traditional western philosophy . It originates in classic Greek philosophy , particularly the thought of Protagoras and Socrates .


  7. In the west , it can be dated back to as early as ancient Greek times , when Protagoras originally put forward : " human is the yardstick of everything " .


  8. Socrates was not unduly alarmed by this doctrine as expressed by a moderate thinker such as Protagoras , who did not attempt to undermine the traditional laws and wisdom .


  9. This was , I think , because Plato , in the Theaetetus , suggests , as aninterpretation of Protagoras , that one opinion can be better than another , though it cannot be truer .
