President McKinley

美 [ˈprezɪdənt məˈkɪnli]英 [ˈprezɪdənt məˈkɪnli]
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President McKinleyPresident McKinley
  1. In September , nineteen-oh-one , President McKinley made a major foreign policy speech at the Pan-American Fair in Buffalo , New York .


  2. President McKinley , without waiting for the Senate to act , ordered the American military government in Manila to extend its control throughout the Philippines .


  3. President McKinley felt Spain should be left alone to honor its promises .


  4. At first , President McKinley wanted Spain to give up only Luzon , the main island .


  5. After shooting President McKinley , Czolgosz explained why he had done it .


  6. He was proposed for the difficult mission by the chief of the Bureau of Military Intelligence when President McKinley requested the name of a suitable envoy .


  7. Six months later , with the assassination of President McKinley , Theodore Roosevelt , not quite 43 , became the youngest President in the nation 's history .


  8. But President William McKinley thought the Philippines were unprepared for independence .


  9. That started in 1901 after the assassination of President William McKinley , whom you see right here .


  10. Some newspapers blamed him when President William McKinley was murdered in nineteen-o-one .


  11. The company 's first plant was two rooms in this old house in Niles , Ohio , where President William McKinley was born .


  12. DOUG JOHNSON : Late in July , the French ambassador in Washington gave President William McKinley a message from the Spanish government .


  13. Theodore Roosevelt succeeded President William McKinley in 1901 and had served about 7 ½ years in the White House . Theodore Roosevelt passed on running for a third consecutive term in 1908 , fully aware of the Washington precedent .
