
  • n.拍立得照相机;宝丽来照相机;拍立得相片;宝丽来一次成像照片;(太阳镜或汽车玻璃上的)偏光薄膜
  • Polaroid的复数



  • 1
    ADJ (照相机)宝丽来的,一次成像的
    A Polaroid camera is a small camera that can take, develop, and print a photograph in a few seconds.

    He called the Polaroid camera a godsend to his work...


  • 2
    N-COUNT 宝丽来一次成像照片
    A Polaroid is a photograph taken with a Polaroid camera.

    I took a Polaroid of them so I could remember them when they were gone.


  • 3
    ADJ (太阳镜)偏振材料的
    Polaroid sunglasses have been treated with a special substance in order to make the sun seem less bright.

  1. Did a total reconstruction from five year old polaroids .


  2. My department 's still working with polaroids .


  3. I always wear polaroids when I 'm driving .


  4. Pick up the polaroids from the lingerie shoot .


  5. The isoclinics rotates in the same sense as the polaroids . This can be accomplished by tracing the lines of different parameters from photographs .


  6. The Andy Warhol Foundation came to us because they wanted to monetize their collection , including serious paintings , works on paper , photographs , Polaroids & the entire range .


  7. Secondly , an instrument for fixing polaroids and a gear team for driving between polaroids and step motor are designed . The rotation precision is enhanced with a step motor subdivided .


  8. Where people used to be able to discard polaroids of less-than-flattering situations , and regretful anecdotes about past relationships were only exposed during ventilations between friends as opposed to status updates , every thought , embarrassing moment , and personal anecdote can now be garnered faster than one can say " Google . "


  9. and at Tea Cup Cafe in Elmhurst , Queens , which serves , amid a clutter of Blythe dolls and Polaroids , ice creams suffused with green tea , military in color and tasting almost burned , and Thai thea , garish orange with a distant floral tinge .
