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  1. The bending moment of the same section increased with the degree of batter plie increased .


  2. Plie and then two , arabesque .


  3. It includes the analysis of grouting at pile bottom , the stress in soil mass around plie bottom induced by grouting , and the behavior of grouting piles under axial load .


  4. The random vibration analysis is carried out for the wave response of the controlled structure , so that the expression of control effect of the TMD to the wave response of the single plie platform can be obtained .


  5. Through analysing the structure and the process of driving plie , it is indicated that branches / plates not only make the bearing capacity area increased , the bearing capacity of single pile raised , but also make the end resistance reduced .


  6. This paper explains the advances , economy , applicability and quality reliability of cement powder gushed plie in dealing with Q al 4 water sensitive yellow earth groundwork and the resulted significant economical benefits and social benefits through engineering practice .
