Periplasmic space

  • 网络周质空间;周浆间隙;周质间隙;胞质周围间隙;壁膜间隙
Periplasmic spacePeriplasmic space
  1. Sperm cell was surrounded by discontinuous periplasmic space in rice mature pollen grain .


  2. The study also discovered that while the recombinant alkaline protease was secreted into the periplasmic space of E.


  3. Heterologous proteins could be expressed directly in the cytoplasm , secreted into the periplasmic space or extracellular medium .


  4. The recombinant protein , about 10 % of the total bacterial protein in volume , was secreted to the periplasmic space of the cell .


  5. ELISA tests showed that the antigentic activity of secreted HDAg in periplasmic space is 70 % of the total , its ELISA titer and specific activity are higher than 1:32,000 and 10,000 ELISA unit / mg of protein expressed .


  6. Coli strain BL21 ( DE3 ), and gene expression was induced by IPTG . The target proteins were directed into the periplasmic space by the staphylococcal protein A ( SPA ) signal sequence preceding the RGD hirudin gene .


  7. Most of the β - glucosidase activity was located on the cell surface of C. hutchinsonii from the enzyme assay , although the genomic analysis showed that all the candidate β - glucosidases were predicted to be located in the periplasmic space .
