Perfectly Competitive Market

美 [ˈpɜːrfɪktli kəmˈpetətɪv ˈmɑːrkɪt]英 [ˈpɜːfɪktli kəmˈpetətɪv ˈmɑːkɪt]
  • 网络完全竞争市场;完全竞争性市场;完全竞争
Perfectly Competitive MarketPerfectly Competitive Market
  1. List and describe the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market .


  2. In a perfectly competitive market , this can only be temporary .


  3. Under these conditions the virtues of the perfectly competitive market are diminished .


  4. We use the perfectly competitive market model , dominant-fringe model and auction mechanism in our study .


  5. As a matter of fact , however , market structure is quite complicated and furthermore , perfectly competitive market cannot survive .


  6. As for the incidence of the Excise Tax , elastic analysis would be made in perfectly competitive market , monopoly market and oligopoly market respectively .


  7. The paper starts with analysis of the efficiency of perfectly competitive market . Of our results , the First is that perfectly competitive market isn 't the most efficient market-structure not from static or dynamic efficiency .


  8. With the rapid development of fruit juice , fruit juice market has entered the late stage of growth period , there are many manufacturers on fruit juice market , fruit it is a perfectly competitive market .


  9. The assumption is based on the fact that we are studying a single exporter in a perfectly competitive market , where the buyer 's market has limited power and the exporter has no control on price .


  10. There is a widespread and deep-rooted idea in the circle of economics that perfectly competitive market is the best ideal model of market-structure . It can produce Pareto efficiency while monopoly market always accompanies with lower-efficiency .


  11. The word ' Competitiveness ' has been mentioned more frequently than ever before in our country . Especially in a Perfectly Competitive Market , no managers could overlook their enterprises ' competitiveness for both the development and the existence of the enterprises .


  12. In a perfectly competitive market , enterprises can enter into the industry with no cost , and driving by the incumbent firms ' interest , social resources allocated reasonable in different industries and industrial organization innovation and the evolution of industrial structure promoted .


  13. In theory , a unified labor market is perfectly competitive labor market equilibrium .


  14. Market imperfections is the reality credit markets have flaws , whether in developed credit markets or still not perfectly competitive credit market .


  15. Then , we put the minimum wage system into the analysis of labor market supply and demand curve , discussing the effect of minimum wage one equilibrium wage and employment in perfectly competitive labor market and monopsony labor market .


  16. Eventually , a perfectly competitive health care market without barriers to entry and sunk costs can reach the efficiency .
