Parallel processor

美 [ˈpærəlel ˈprɑːsesər]英 [ˈpærəlel ˈprəʊsesə(r)]
  • 网络并行处理器;并行处理机;平行处理机;平行处理器
Parallel processorParallel processor
  1. The Design of Parallel Processor and PC / AT BUS Interface


  2. Optical Fiber Interconnection Network in Massively Parallel Processor Arrays


  3. Performance Evaluation Through Simulation of Shared Memory Large Parallel Processor System


  4. Design and Implementation of a Parallel Processor Based on DNA Computing


  5. A Wide Area Parallel Processor for Power System


  6. All these algorithms are running on parallel processor environment .


  7. Genetic Algorithm for Solving Optimal Mapping of the Parallel Processor


  8. Global file system is a key technique of massively parallel processor system and cluster system .


  9. The algorithm is easy to program in parallel processor and suitable for real-time processing .


  10. Research and Implementation of Macro - micro Manipulator Control System Based on dSPACE Parallel Processor Network


  11. Some efficient algorithms for parallel processor systems


  12. Unsymmetrical Three-Phase P-Q Decoupled Load Flow Study by parallel Processor


  13. It improves the speed and decreases the processing delay of real time SAR imaging on a parallel processor .


  14. Multitasking Environment-The kernel module of parallel processor simulator


  15. A parallel processor deprives the programmer of one of the most valuable tools for debugging : repeatability .


  16. The paper focuses on the design of requirement analysis based on UML with an example of University Intelligent Arranging Course System Based on Parallel processor Scheduling Algorithm .


  17. Parallel Processor Scheduling with Chain-structured Tasks


  18. On this basis , a crane allocation algorithm is proposed based on the proposed parallel processor scheduling . The algorithm uses the order of constraint relations between tasks .


  19. Based on analyzing each kind of intra prediction algorithms , the different operation units are combined into one parallel processor according to the similarity of the predicting operations .


  20. For those of you who understand computers , our right hemisphere functions like a parallel processor , while our left hemisphere functions like a serial processor .


  21. Cellular Neural Network ( CNN ) is a parallel processor . In the erea of image processing , the CNN has a broad developing space .


  22. Generally , the Massively Parallel Processor ( MPP ) has very high peak speed in theory , but the user 's effective speed in use is far from it .


  23. Ion is one of the most important processes for visual pattern recognition . Cellular Neural Networks ( CNN ) is one parallel processor which can be used for characterizing abstraction in visual pattern recognition via real-time and fast processing .


  24. Analysis and simulation results show that comparing with the OBSS ( old buffer setting scheme ), which traditionally popularly used in the MPP ( Massively Parallel Processor ), the NBSS has better performance in terms of throughput .


  25. A parallel processor with twelve SHARCS , combining with parallel processing theory and topographic configuration , is used to realize the algorithm of noise simulation on the basis of research on optimum distribution of algorithm and method of embedment in real time ;


  26. Decision-making in the war simulation , the use of massively parallel processor modeling and simulation technology to accurately reproduce the theater of combat situation , realistically simulate battlefield environment in which commanders to direct operations and to the right strategic decisions .


  27. The real tragedy of the last century is this : if you think about the world 's population as a giant computer , a massively parallel processor , then the great tragedy has been that billions of our processors have been off line .


  28. A new version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics ( IAP ) 9-Layer ( 9L ) atmospheric general circula - tion model ( AGCM ) suitable for Massively Parallel Processor ( MPP ) has been developed .


  29. This paper describes a microprogrammed emulator for a large MIMD ( multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream ) parallel processor system . This emulator is intended for use in the testing performances of the target parallel processor system and debugging its application code prior to its actual implementation .


  30. And then the practical application of those multi-channel signal sampling , parallel processor configuration and task assign are introduced based on the STAP . Lastly , an effective method is put forward to choose filter to minimize the computational amount in the arithmetic of quadrature sampling with pulse compression .
