Pan American Games

美 [pæn əˈmerɪkən ɡeɪmz]英 [pæn əˈmerɪkən ɡeɪmz]
  • 网络泛美运动会
Pan American GamesPan American Games
  1. Pan American Games track and field .


  2. Canada won two gold medals in Thursday 's diving tournament at the Pan American Games .


  3. 1951-The first Pan American Games are held in Buenos Aires , Argentina .


  4. A veteran of the South American Games , the Pan American Games and the FIFA Women 's World Cup in2003 , Ferro is readying herself for another crack at the world crown .


  5. Last July , at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro , a Brazilian journalist photographed a message board at the American media center that said : 'Welcome to the Congo .


  6. Two years ago , our Mexican friends had a taste of such success . With the help of Chinese coaches , Paola Espinosa , known as princess of diving in Mexico , and her teammates swept all titles in the eight diving events of the 2011 Pan American Games .
