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  • 网络基于性能的导航;热解氮化硼;分组交换网络;基于性能导航;分组网络
  1. PBN is the future of current development of civil aviation .


  2. GNSS is the primary navigation system used in PBN .


  3. But the application of new technology requests the PBN be more secure and stable .


  4. Fabrication of PBN Bismuth-Contained Layer Structure Piezoelectric Ceramic by Solid Phase Reaction


  5. PBN is mainly based on navigation performance , and enables a safer and more accurate air transportation .


  6. The implementation of PBN can increase airspace capacity , reduce flight delays and ensure flight safety .


  7. Also hope that interested person to study general aviation airport flight program designers with a PBN ideas and inspiration .


  8. Previous studies suggested that PBN , PAG and NTS had reciprocal relations .


  9. Performance Based Navigation ( PBN ) implementation of the airspace structure will be optimized to expand a major route airspace capacity .


  10. 323 suggestion is a multimedia meeting system which is based on the packet exchange network ( PBN ) and made by ITU-T.


  11. The dielectric constants are reduced , while the Tc is enhanced obviously in PBN doped by Li and Na Ions .


  12. These results suggest that AMPA receptors within the CeA may be involved in the descending modulation in the PBN taste neurons .


  13. Using PBN as spin trap matter , we studied the feasibility of detect organic peroxides by spin trapping and electron paramagnetic resonance technique .


  14. Conclusion : These results suggest that several physiological functions of NO correlate with diversity of the morphology and distribution of NOS positive neurons in the PBN .


  15. To investigate whether the neural nitric oxide synthase ( nNOS ) in the PBN takes part in the transmission of visceral noxious stimulation ;


  16. PBN navigation specification describes that , PBN operation method will be optional According to the coverage of navigation facilities in different regions and the different requirments .


  17. NGN is an open platform which realizes voice services and other value - added services based on data network , especially the IP carrying network of PBN ( IP network ) .


  18. Objective : To investigate whether the nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) in the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) took part in the transmission of visceral noxious stimulation .


  19. The paper introduces the concept and structure of network management policy , a detailed description of COPS protocol and its comparison with SNMP protocol , and the disadvantages and the developmental trend of PBN .


  20. Taste responses in the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) are significantly affected by stimulation or lesion of the central nucleus of the amygdala ( CeA ) .


  21. The principle of GPS and navigation performance are primarily studied , other satellite constellations and augmentation systems are discussed briefly . Finally , the PBN navigation system performance monitoring is discussed in this thesis .


  22. The dielectric and pyroelectric properties of three crystals in the system of lead barium niobate ( PBN ) were investigated in the temperature range from 100K to 450K .


  23. According to their preferred stimuli , PbN taste neurons could be classified as NaCl , HCl , quinine and sucrose preferred taste neurons , which were differentially distributed in parabrachial subnuclei .


  24. AIM : To observe the serotoninergic projections from the periaqueductal gray ( PAG ) and dorsal raphe nucleus ( DR ) to the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) in rats .


  25. Desktop video conference system is one of the focuses in internet application in recent years , and the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ) has been also purposed the Recommendation H.323 for multimedia commu-nications over Packet Based Networks ( PBN ) .


  26. Pyrolytic Boron Nitride ( PBN ) is a new inorganic ceramic material developed during 1970s . It can be used to make insulating shield and crucible . This paper describes the use of PBN as a crucible in MBE .


  27. In the present study , the direct projections from the NTS to the PAG and indirect projections via the PBN from the NTS to the PAG were investigated using anterograde and retrograde tract tracing method combining immunohistochemical technique .


  28. OBJECTIVE : To investigate the relation between the primary afferent visceral terminals and the NOS - containing neurons which project from the interstitial nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract ( INV ) to the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) .


  29. Results : The distribution of NADPH-d products and Fos positive neurons was partly overlapped in the PBN . The NADPH-d positive neurons adjoined the Fos positive neurons in the dorsal lateral subnuclear and some Fos / NADPH-d double labeled neurons were observed .


  30. The purpose of the present study was to investigate if the visceral primary afferents and nociceptive information from orofacial deep tissue converge onto the catecholaminergic neurons projecting to the parabrachial nucleus ( PBN ) in the nucleus of the solitary tract ( NTS ) .
