Other normative documents

Other normative documentsOther normative documents
  1. Whether they are conflicting with a higher rank law is the important standard of validity of other normative documents .


  2. The people 's court may refer to legal and effective rules and other normative documents in the verdicts in deciding administrative cases .


  3. The provisions on contract validity cognizance in " Contract Law "," Company Law " and other normative documents have become mollification .


  4. These provisions are scattered among the Civil Procedure Law and its judicial interpretation , Marriage Law and its judicial interpretation and other normative documents .


  5. Where the laws , regulations or other normative documents provide otherwise on time limits for performing the duties of the administrative organ , those provisions shall prevail .


  6. Special examination and approval by the competent departments in charge of the relevant industries as stipulated in local regulations , departmental rules , local rules and other normative documents shall not be taken as prerequisite requirements for company registration .


  7. In the existing laws , rules , regulations and other normative documents , the discretion space of the drug supervision and administration departments mainly exists in the three-elements of the logical structure of the legal norms , especially in the element of the legal consequence .


  8. Secondly , analyze the status of other administrative normative documents .


  9. In our country , other administrative normative documents in the field of economic , political , social everywhere .


  10. Elaborated on the two necessity of the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure norm .


  11. Conference summary as one form documents of other administrative normative documents play a very important role in real life .


  12. Abstract administrative act is the act of administrative body against non-specific object . It includes the administrative legislation and other administrative normative documents .


  13. The second part is an overview of the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure , a brief introduction of the other administrative normative documents ' meaning and characteristic , and the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure .
