Oracle machine

美 [ˈɔːrəkl məˈʃiːn]英 [ˈɒrəkl məˈʃiːn]
  • 网络预言机
Oracle machineOracle machine
  1. However , the provable secure scheme in the random oracle machine can only be seen as a heuristic argument , will not guarantee the security in realization .


  2. Oracle Turing machine cartographic mode My model aircraft transmitter failed and the plane went haywire and crashed into tree .


  3. They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM ) .


  4. no way of pinning down exactly what was going on . One nice touch on the side was his idea of an ' oracle ' Turing machine , one which would have the property of being able to answer one particular unsolvable problem ( like recognising an ordinal formula ) .
