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  • abbr.职业调查报告(Occupational Survey Report);科学研究处(Office of Scientific Research);(国防部)安全审查局(Office of Security Review)
  1. Loss of function of OSR results in long grain .


  2. The lines containing the " % " have used OSR .


  3. Analysis of factors affecting OSR economic limits


  4. Study of Process on Laser Cutting OSR Slices


  5. Field application that OSR of 5 wells increase 0.1 on the average is obvious .


  6. Test specification for performance evaluation of OSR


  7. So , real-world code is usually not vulnerable to OSR performance problems .


  8. A Design of the OSR Algorithm


  9. If OSR is being used , you might not be benchmarking the top performance .


  10. The OSR domain is both necessary and sufficient for functioning as a negative regulator .


  11. One kind of mathematical descriptions is Kraus operator-sum representation ( OSR ) .


  12. It then uses a technique known as On Stack Replacement ( OSR ) to switch to the execution of the new code .


  13. Performing an OSR has all kinds of knock-on effects that includes having to pause the executing thread .


  14. Beating degree : 13.2 OSR ;


  15. The another is that ITO film must be well grounded , or else the surface charge and discharge phenomena of OSR would be much more serious .


  16. The influence of simulated space environment on the properties of the satellite temperature-control coating-Optical Solar Reflector ( OSR ) is discussed .


  17. However , a JVM using OSR is smart enough to replace the current code with the newer compiled code in the middle of the method call .


  18. Unfortunately , OSR suffers from a little-known defect : the code quality when OSR is used can be suboptimal .


  19. This paper analyzes the interpolation filter under different sampling velocity and qualified differences according to Nyquist Sampling Theory and educed the relationship between resolution and OSR consequently .


  20. Like OSR , DCE is usually not an issue for real applications ( unless you are counting on code executing in a specific amount of time ) .


  21. For instance , OSR sometimes cannot do loop-hoisting , array-bounds check elimination , or loop unrolling ( see Resources ) .


  22. One final comment about OSR : it is usually only a performance problem in benchmarking , when programmers are lazy and put everything in a single method such as main .


  23. But there are inherent heat losses associated with long wellbore and heating surrounding rock formations that do not bear oil , so OSR is little and recovery efficiency is low .


  24. And the 12068 female patients ' OSR in the same periods were 39.84 % , 10.96 % , 6.37 % , 2.58 % and 0.21 % , respectively .


  25. Assuming that you want top performance , then the only cure for OSR is to recognize where it can occur and restructure your code to avoid it if possible .


  26. The results showed as follows . The 14514 male patients ' OSR of 1,3,5,10 , and 20 years were 37.65 % , 9.75 % , 5.55 % , 2.12 % and 0.19 % , respectively .


  27. Just as its name implies , the OSR algorithm is a kind of on-demand distributed algorithms , which greatly reduce the cost of self-organizing in WMSN compared with proactive routing protocols .


  28. According to the registered data of esophageal cancer in Linxian county during 1959 ~ 1990 , we analysed the observed survival rates ( OSR ) and the relative survival rates ( RSR ) of 26582 cases of esophageal cancer .


  29. Result : OSR administrated icv ( 10 mg ) significantly increased the number of GABA immuno-reaction positive neurons while decreasing the number of glu immunoreaction positive neurons in cortex and hippocampus in rats ( P < 0.05 ) .


  30. The previous work has demonstrated that , in Arabidopsis genome , there are 10 genes , named as OSR ( osmotic-stress responsive ) family genes , that are highly homologous to the MscS ( mechanosensitive channel with small conductance ) gene family in bacteria .
