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  • abbr.核实目标(Objects of Verification)
  1. As for the OOV problem , the thesis adopts character based method .


  2. Research on Web Based Translation Mining of OOV in Cross-Language Information Retrieval System


  3. Study on Chinese OOV Identification Based on Extension Professional Search Engine Unknown Word of Recognition


  4. The translation of OOV terms is facing new challenges .


  5. OOV is a common problem in small grammars .


  6. Word Pair Extraction and Web-based Mining of OOV Translations


  7. This proposal uses the weight attribute to deal with OOV and the tag element to handle context .


  8. The experimental results show that this algorithm is very simple and efficient , which attains over 80 % OOV rejection rate .


  9. The most of approach is based on the concept with stopwords interference with recognition of OOV word .


  10. In practical automatic speech recognition systems , out-of-vocabulary ( OOV ) utterance detection and rejection represent an important part .


  11. Dialog managers are important in their own right because they offer ways to deal with issues such as intelligent response and OOV recognition .


  12. This paper proposes a new OOV rejection algorithm based on support vector machine and uses it in isolated-word speech recognition system based on DSP hardware environment .


  13. Search engine based method utilizes the high OOV translation inclusion rate feature of search engine to mine the translation of OOV for query translation .


  14. Looking at the Balance between the Identified IV and OOV from the ACL & SIGHAN International Participle Competition


  15. To solve these two problems , we first deeply analyze the problems and then put forward the homologous strategy of solution . ( 1 ) Web-based OOV translation extraction .


  16. This model that considering corpus information and context information can improves the quality of segmentation . ( 2 ) Recognition of OOV word based on stopwords ( ROWS ) is proposed .


  17. Due to the appearance of new Out-of-Vocabulary terms , the accuracy of the OOV term translation has been affected by scarcity of the corpus in traditional OOV term translation methods .


  18. The better performance of OOV recognition the higher accuracy of the segmentation system in whole , and the accuracy of statistic segmentation systems with character-based tagging approach outperforms any other word-based system .


  19. The previous methods mainly used the bilingual corpus as the resource ; but these methods are limited on scale and diversity , and also can not handle the out of vocabulary ( OOV ) problem well .


  20. According to the characteristics of web text , we focused on the Out-of-Vocabulary ( OOV ) word identification problem in Chinese word segmentation task , as well as the disambiguation and the ability to deal with huge amount of text .


  21. As for the OOV problem in dictionary based method , the thesis adopts transliteration method for Japanese person names , location names and Japanese katakana words , which did not exist in the Japanese-English dictionary , according to Japanese word characteristics .


  22. This method first analyzes the translation feature of an OOV term , namely the identification of translation OOV , transliteration OOV and mix-translation OOV , and then the identification result is used in the follow procedures of candidate translation extraction and selection .


  23. After the experiment , we found that the accuracy of Ranking SVM was slightly higher than the SVM . Finally , the experiments based on person names , location names and organization names in English-Chinese and Chinese-English OOV term translation are executed , and obtain well translation accuracy .


  24. To deal with the OOV words , we proposed POC-NLW character tagging templates to represent the word-internal component mechanism in Chinese words on the character-level , which were combined into the Hidden Markov model to implement the Chinese word segmentation task as a character sequence tagging procedure .
