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  • abbr.舰上处理;机上处理(on-Board Processing);攻势(Offensive Beating Posture);舰上处理机;机上处理机(on-Board Processor)
  1. An anti-jamming satellite communication system with high Gp based on OBP de hopping for multi FH as a whole


  2. After adjustment for all available CV risk predictors , only diastolic OBP remained a significant predictor for CV events , however .


  3. On-board processing ( OBP ) is one of significant satellite communication technologies . The Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) is widely used in the OBP .


  4. In the evolution tree of OBP , the genes were mainly clustered by insect Orders , indicating that most genes appeared after diversification of Orders .


  5. And the addition of HBP did not significantly improve the predictive ability of the risk model including OBP , which the authors say is in contrast to previous study findings .


  6. The chart shows batting average ( AVG ), on-base percentage ( OBP ), and slugging percentage ( SLG ) .


  7. It also discusses some developing trends and researches topics for future LEO / MEO satellite communication systems , such as satellite constellations , frequency band , satellite OBP and ISL , and network platforms .


  8. In chapter ⅴ, we investigated the spin-polarized transport and tunneling magne-toresistance ( TMR ) effect of molecular junction of OBP molecule with semi-infinite Ni electrodes , and gave the primary results .
