Nineteen Twenty

" Main Street ," from nineteen twenty , tells about the conflict and cooperation among people in a small town and the rural community around it .
Nineteen , twenty - my plate 's empty .
Very - and probably nineteen or twenty .
Thirteen fourteen fifteen and sixteen , Seventeen eighteen nineteen and twenty !
The weather is usually warm and sunny , and the air is dry . The average temperature is between nineteen and twenty degree Celsius .
Nineteen of twenty patients who were recurrent during one year and a half had no stomachache , and perineural invasion was seen in 16 of 26 patients ( 61.5 % ) by pathology .
ITZEL CHAVEZ : " We would get into groups of about nineteen or twenty students and we would have to come up with a project for the end of the week that showed what we learned . " Itzel worked on a video .
Western modernist paintings refer to the several western painting genres from end of nineteen century to twenty century , which include impressionist school of fine art , fauvism , cubism and so on .
Nineteen thousand and twenty nine patients with congenital heart diseases CHD had intracardiac operation in our hospital from 1957 to 1993.Among them , three hundred and twenty six patients were associated with persistent left superior vena cava ( PLSVC ) . With an incidence of 1.71 % .
Current system contains nineteen content Schemas , twenty presentation schemas , seven metadata schema and a dozen other support schemas .