Nature genetics

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Nature geneticsNature genetics
  1. The study was published this week in Nature Genetics ( 17 June ) .


  2. But this study in Nature Genetics , suggests its origins are even more complex .


  3. Researchers presented the finding May 25 in Nature Genetics .


  4. The study is in the journal Nature Genetics .


  5. They published their studies in two reports in the journal Nature Genetics .


  6. The results , published in journal Nature Genetics , surprised scientists .


  7. The finding is described in the journal Nature Genetics .


  8. Reporting in Nature Genetics , they describe three variants associated with the syndrome .


  9. The paper will be published in the online edition of Nature Genetics on April 1 .


  10. But the latest announcement , in the pages of Nature Genetics , has a particular goal in mind .


  11. Two separate studies , published in Nature Genetics journal , found variations in DNA that were more common in people with short sight .


  12. The findings , published in the journal Nature Genetics , could lead to better prevention and more closely tailored treatment for the disease .


  13. The consortium and its academic collaborators are publishing these results in the July issue of the journal Nature Genetics .


  14. The findings are published online today in Nature Genetics and also will be published in the journal ? s March print edition .


  15. The find , reported online yesterday in three papers in Nature Genetics , may suggest new ways to treat or prevent the ever more common disorder .


  16. In an article in Nature Genetics earlier this month , they presented a group of13 genes besides apolipoprotein E that have a statistically significant association with Alzheimer 's.


  17. The US researchers , whose study is published in Nature Genetics , analysed samples of tumours and blood samples from cancer patients to find markers for different organs in the blood .


  18. Dr Cecilia Lindgren of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University , was involved in both papers , published in the journal Nature Genetics


  19. Dr Cecilia Lindgren of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University , was involved in both papers , published in the journal Nature Genetics .


  20. Both research teams one led by decode genetics , an Icelandic biotechnology company , and the other an International Academic Consortium published their findings on the 14 Dec in the journal Nature Genetics .


  21. In a handful of reports published Thursday in the U.S. - based journals " Science " and " Nature Genetics , " the researchers say they have identified at least seven new genes that could increase a person 's risk to develop Type Two diabetes .


  22. Nature History and Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes


  23. The studies appear in the latest issue of the journal Nature and Nature Genetics .


  24. First of all , the nature of ecological genetics was described . Ecological genetics represents a union of population ecology and population genetics and it studies on evolution at population level .
