National dignity

美 [ˈnæʃnəl ˈdɪɡnəti]英 [ˈnæʃnəl ˈdɪɡnəti]
  • 民族尊严;国家尊严
National dignityNational dignity
  1. To analysis of the factors of second generation peasant workers ' dignity gets six factors : Professional dignity , institutional dignity , self-dignity , human dignity , national dignity and life dignity . 3 .


  2. The scores of six dimensions ' dignity from high to low are as follows : National dignity , interpersonal dignity , professional dignity , life dignity , system dignity , self-dignity . 4 .


  3. The act would be below the national dignity .


  4. Education of National Dignity under the Background of Globalization


  5. When they talk about human dignity , they should not forget national dignity .


  6. We must encourage patriotism and a sense of national dignity and self-confidence .


  7. That impairs the national dignity of the State ;


  8. Chinese citizens traveling abroad must observe the local standards of propriety while keeping their own national dignity .


  9. Similarly , France launches the French purity movement which aims to uphold its national dignity and status .


  10. Vocational ethics , strong personal qualities , and the cultivation of patriotism and national dignity are the Basis for professional training .


  11. We feel passionately about our sovereignty and national dignity . We have our own judgment about international affairs .


  12. To respect the morals , faiths and customs of guests , and never threaten their national dignity .


  13. The contemporary socialist China 's national dignity is the party 's basic lines and taking a firm and unshakable road of socialism with Chinese characteristics .


  14. No freedom without sacrifice , endless blood perpetuated convictions of our national dignity . ( UTOYXC )


  15. Lin Zexu defended national dignity by confiscating and burning opium imported into China by English and American businessmen .


  16. Diaoyu , which indicates the Sino-Japanese tension over the Diaoyu Islands , reflects people 's concern over national dignity .


  17. For those able to attract it , macro-finance is compelling as a matter of economics , politics and national dignity .


  18. Widespread poverty , a consequence of past colonization , induces Irish people to make a living at the cost of discarding first self-esteem and then national dignity .


  19. In spite of this , some scholars in Hong Kong with national dignity have tried their best to study and spread traditional Chinese culture and made great achievement in education and publication .


  20. In dealings with foreign countries , it is imperative to strictly abide by the disciplines related to foreign affairs and uphold our national dignity and state prestige .


  21. By sticking to principle and resisting pressure , we have safeguarded our state sovereignty , territorial integrity and national dignity , thus gradually raising our standing in the international community .


  22. Pearl S.Buck s " Outsider " Identity and " Marginalizer " Personality ; When they talk about human dignity , they should not forget national dignity .


  23. This conservation notion is the result of Chinese thousands of years hairstyle culture tradition , which is the needs of protecting body and respect foe filial piety , loyalty to the nation and safeguard of national dignity .


  24. According to the Xinhua news agency , the first places to be renamed will be any that " damage national dignity " or conflict with core socialist values , as well as those which have attracted the most public complaints .


  25. In his narrative poems , Htilar Sitthu dealt with the motif of war and peace , condemning wars , calling for peace and extolling Myanmar s national dignity and national spirit .


  26. General and soldier as the main part of army were all Roman citizens carrying forward the glorious tradition of Rome , with the purpose of maintaining national dignity and interests , making contribution for the conquering career of Rome .


  27. In Chinese modern philosophies , FANG Zhi-ming 's " impoverishedness " philosophy is a new and unique one , which has accumulated the morality and justice of Chinese nation , the national dignity , and the spirit of defying difficulties .


  28. The fact that he insisted on cutting Antonio one pound of flesh in the chest , does not proceed from his seeking counterattack or revenge for defending Jewish national dignity , but from the hatred of his rival in the usurious business .


  29. Firmly safeguarding national interests and dignity in dealing with the foreign relations ;


  30. This can be used to resolve conflicts which may occur in the international exchange , and maintain national identity and dignity .
