Modern Chinese Dialects

Modern Chinese DialectsModern Chinese Dialects
  1. The Cantonese occupy an important position in modern Chinese dialects .


  2. On the Types of the Continuance Markers in Modern Chinese Dialects


  3. With the data offered by the 41 - volume Modern Chinese Dialects Dictionary edited by Professor .


  4. Postscript of Modern Chinese Dialects Dictionary


  5. This thesis aims at arguing for the feasibility and validity of the unary feature hypothesis by comparing the rhymes of different Chinese dialects as well as the rhymes between Middle Chinese and modern Chinese dialects .


  6. Ganyu dialect is very special in modern Chinese mandarin dialects , which attracts constant attention domestically and abroad .


  7. Studies on modern Chinese adverbs and Taiyuan dialects have been reviewed , which leads to the aim of this study .
