
  • 网络马克隆值;马克隆;麦克隆值
  1. The average of lint percentage and micronaire of 12 F4 generations materials were 50.08 % and 4.29 respectively , the highest lint percentage was 54.97 % . 3 .


  2. The Correlation between Cotton Fiber Micronaire Value and Maturity Coefficient


  3. A Study on Test Method for Micronaire or Cotton Fibers


  4. Testing method for fineness of cotton fibers : micronaire method


  5. Fiber strength , Micronaire decrease with density and nitrogenous usage enhanced .


  6. Shading could decline fiber intensity , elongation , uniformity and micronaire .


  7. Lint percent to fiber strength and micronaire had largest additive contribution .


  8. The additive positive correlations of fiber strength with fiber length and uniformity and micronaire value were significant .


  9. Mixing cottons with wide variation in micronaire and maturity .


  10. The fibre uniformity index , elongation and micronaire of cotton were little sensitive to water stress in this study .


  11. At the same time , fiber strength and micronaire would be improved with paying attention to the selection of high lint index .


  12. Fiber strength and Micronaire value were mostly influenced by the temperature , the hour of sunlight and the relative humidity .


  13. Among different hybrids , yield performance and breaking strength changed dramatically , while the fiber length and micronaire value were relatively stable .


  14. Micronaire was very significantly correlative with lint percentage , but did not show significant correlation with other traits .


  15. During the testing of micronaire value of cotton fiber by air flow instrument , the experimental environment , test parameters are stipulated by Standards .


  16. The effect of waterlogging on micronaire value and uniformity were not significant , but strength and length were significantly decreased . 2 .


  17. Fiber length and micronaire were significant additive × additive variance , fiber strength were mainly controlled by the additive effects and dominant effects .


  18. The disease led to the decrease of strength , mature degree and micronaire value of cotton fiber , and increased fineness of fiber .


  19. Ve / VP of uniformity index , elongation and micronaire value were above 40 % , which means direct selection may be less effective .


  20. Heterosis of fiber length , fiber uniformity , micronaire , fiber strength , elongation rate showed little significant deviation respectively comparing to CK1 .


  21. In this paper , the relations of micronaire value and the fineness indexes of fibers were theoretically analyzed , including diameter , linear density and maturity .


  22. Lint yield with fiber length and micronaire value were positive correlated . Lint yield with fiber strength and elongation and uniformity were negative correlations .


  23. Micronaire value , weight reduction rate and K / S value of the fiber were measured , and its morphological change along longitudinal section was observed by SEM .


  24. In the five fiber characters , the effect of the disease was maximum on the fineness and micronaire value of fibre , and was minimum on breakdown length .


  25. The lint cotton yield was positive with fiber strength and micronaire . The correlation among fiber length , strength and fineness of insect-resistance hybrid cotton were still inconsistent .


  26. Correlation analyses indicated that the incidence grade of the disease was negatively correlated with the fiber strength , micronaire value and the fiber span length , and reached significant or highly significant levels .


  27. Positive correlations were found in lint / plant and micronaire , uniformity and length , uniformity and micronaire , and strength and micronaire in all four base populations .


  28. An ecological model describing the relationships of fiber strength , micronaire value and SSC with air temperature and sunlight was built to determine the optimal range and critical value of air temperature during boll development period .


  29. In the population of upland cotton in China , genotype effect contributed to the improvement of fiber length , fiber strength and the Micronaire value with 20.2 % , 34.7 % and 34.2 % respectively .


  30. Confirmatory experiments show that there is a linear correlation ( R2 is greater than 0.85 ) between average maturity get from the proposed method and micronaire measured by High Volume Instrument ( HVI ) .
