Mark Anderson

  • 网络马克· 安德森;马克·安德森;马克安德森;马克-安德森
Mark AndersonMark Anderson
  1. The architects , Peter and Mark Anderson , revealed the secret of wooing a top designer for a rock-bottom job .


  2. Mark Anderson has published two books of poetry , The Broken Boat and Serious Joy .


  3. Recently , Mark Anderson listed his predictions for 2015 during a gathering in San Francisco .


  4. It is hard to think of a breakthrough innovation that has come from it , says Mark Anderson , a US technology analyst .


  5. No one does predictions like Mark Anderson , whose forecasts about the intersection of the economy and technology are closely followed in Silicon Valley .


  6. Speaking of China , Mark Anderson of strategic News Service says that the 30-year effort by the Chinese of " obtaining " intellectual property from other nations is coming to a head .


  7. So joining the free-market takeover game and paying a fair price to acquire the strategic technology of a company like Micron would mark a welcome turn of events , says Mark Anderson , a US tech analyst who has criticised China 's approach to intellectual property .
