Mandarin vole

美 [ˈmændərɪn voʊl]英 [ˈmændərɪn vəʊl]
  • 棕色田鼠
Mandarin voleMandarin vole
  1. Study on the forecast of the population dynamics of mandarin vole


  2. Analysis on growth and age indicators of mandarin vole


  3. The morphology characteristic of digestive tract in mandarin vole are studied .


  4. Effect of Tannic Acid on Food Selection , Food Intake and Protein Digestion Rate in Mandarin Vole and Mice


  5. Mandarin vole 's chemical control in farmland and plantation of Loess Plateau and mountainous , western Henan


  6. Behavioral Response for Parents Odor in Mandarin Vole Pups


  7. Microstructure on kidney of mandarin vole


  8. Detecting the Y chromosome with C-banding and chromosome painting technique in the mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus


  9. Meiosis of XO Females in the mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus


  10. The populations dynamics of mandarin vole were investigated every month from April 1992 to April 1995 in agriculture area on loess plateau in the west of Henan .


  11. Odor Recognition in Mandarin Vole ( Microtus mandarinus ) and Reed Vole ( M. fostis )


  12. AC male mandarin vole had less exploratory behavior , but had more dominance and sociability . BP male voles also significantly increase their exploratory and sociability .


  13. Further more based on the study on the population structure , the reproduction characteristics of mandarin vole from April 1992 to April 1995 , reasons of seasonal variation were studied , regulation factors were found .


  14. These results indicated that Mandarin Vole pups before weaning were capable of discriminating parents odor and stranger odor , but 22-day-old pups showed increased preferences to strange odor with development of pups .


  15. Therefore , it could be suggested that prolonging the contact time with their parents or receiving care by previous litter can increase the litter size in adult.2.1n the open field test , AP mandarin vole had more exploratory and locomotor activity than AC vole .


  16. This paper forms the judgement that XO females in Mandarin vole ( Microrus mandarinus ) have the capability of pregnancy and reproduction according to studies on the exterior characterization , transversal sections of ovary , and identification of chromosomes of pregnant or mother Mandarin vole .


  17. The two X chromosomes have characteristic distribution in three kinds of individuals ( XX , XO , XY ) and the incidence of XO seems to be unusually high in the Mandarin vole . The mandarin vole are ideal experimental animals for fertility research in XO females of mammals .
