
美 [ˈmɑˌstrɪkt]英 [ˈmɑːstrɪkt]
  • 网络马斯特里赫特;荷兰马斯特里赫特;马城;马斯垂克;荷兰马斯垂克
  1. The Maastricht team also found that people got accustomed to the cold over time .


  2. In modern times Maastricht is best known as the birthplace of the euro .


  3. The Maastricht rules in effect prevent deficit financing of state welfare .


  4. Progress and Prospect of the Implementation of Maastricht Treaty


  5. First , politicians broke all promises of the Maastricht treaty .


  6. Maastricht is a destination fair ; people regard it as an outing .


  7. In one way , at least , Maastricht is responding to the undesired effect of openness .


  8. He also taught for long spells at Maastricht University and the University of Tilburg .


  9. The original construction of the euro postulated that members would abide by the limits set by Maastricht .


  10. The Maastricht Treaty established a monetary union without a political union a central bank , but no central treasury .


  11. The model is the opt-out from the social chapter that John Major secured in the Maastricht treaty .


  12. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 was the final step in the construction of the European edifice .


  13. The researchers from Maastricht University found that brown tissue can be activated quickly by exposing people to colder temperatures .


  14. Also we only showed pieces that were fresh to the market and had not been shown before in Maastricht or anywhere else .


  15. I think it has to do with a lot of people coming from Maastricht University who tend to read a little more in English .


  16. Stranger still , Maastricht has little of the multicultural make-up that Mr Wilders rails against .


  17. Two days ( 1124 ) Xia Jun , Jin-ping state settlement , the city known as the Maastricht rehabilitation .


  18. Germans called it the golden rule , and initially tried to have it enshrined in the Maastricht treaty .


  19. Germany now wants to treat the Maastricht Treaty as the scripture that has to be obeyed without any modifications .


  20. If the burghers of Maastricht want to keep the euro , they may , sooner or later , have to pay more .


  21. In the past , they would buy at these auctions to stock up for the Maastricht European Fine Art Fair in March in the Netherlands .


  22. The renovation project was led by Selexyz , a large Dutch bookstore chain , in collaboration with the city council of Maastricht .


  23. In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the European Union and be able to pass economic tests set out by the Maastricht Treaty .


  24. After violating the Maastricht Treaty in 2003 , for example , Germany and France easily reneged and no fines were paid .


  25. In 1992 Denmark failed to ratify the Maastricht Treaty , but then did so in a second vote in 1993 .


  26. The currency had a common central bank but no common treasury – unavoidable given that the Maastricht treaty was meant to bring about monetary union without political union .


  27. Maastricht mandated curbing budget deficits to 3 per cent of gross domestic product , but the rules had earlier been ignored by France and Germany .


  28. Based on the reasonable parts of the two integration theories , the authors try to set up a new analytical framework on the political patterns and its mechanism after the Maastricht Treaty .


  29. If the euro is to remain a viable currency across the eurozone , members must behave in the responsible manner contemplated in the Maastricht treaty .


  30. Five million Yuan ( 1268 ), provincial income Maastricht Luanzhou and Laoting , County Road , an Luanzhou Yongping .
