MHC restriction

  • 网络MHC限制;MHC限制性;限制性;约束性;性限制
MHC restrictionMHC restriction
  1. The MHC restriction of T cell is determined in positive selection .


  2. Discovery of MHC Restriction in Antigen Recognition of T Cells


  3. Structural Characteristic and MHC Restriction of Polypeptide Sequence


  4. The MHC restriction of T cell is determined in positive selection . The tolerance of T cells to autoantigen is acquired during negative selection .


  5. T cell can only recognize specific antigenic peptide-MHC complex on antigen-presenting cell . This is MHC restriction in antigen recognition of T cell .


  6. Gene vaccines have many advantages , such as the simplicity of preparation , the long time of immune stimulation and no considering the MHC restriction . Many achievements have been obtained using gene vaccines .


  7. Because of complexity of the parasite 's life cycle , stage specificity and variation of the antigen and host MHC restriction , an effective malaria vaccine in principle should be composed of multiple antigens derived from different stage of the parasite to generate a multistage , multivalent vaccine .
