Limits to Growth

美 [ˈlɪmɪts tu ɡroʊθ]英 [ˈlɪmɪts tu ɡrəʊθ]
  • 网络增长的极限
Limits to GrowthLimits to Growth
  1. Nimish Joshi , an IT analyst at CLSA , a broker , says their biggest clients are themselves approaching the limits to growth .


  2. Limits to Growth Archetype Analysis and Management Countermeasures on Constraints of Information Sharing in Supply Chain


  3. But if there are indeed limits to growth , the political underpinnings of our world fall apart .


  4. There are no such things as limits to growth , because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligence , imagination , and wonder !


  5. But the new research suggests it 's more likely that California blue whales have reached the limits to growth in that region of the eastern Pacific Ocean .


  6. Theory of Limits to Growth emphasizes that there are limits to the growth , advocates a positive and reliable concept of development and puts forward the concept of " global equilibrium " .


  7. More likely is that the availability of food keeps limits to population growth .


  8. There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth : it is YOU .


  9. The limits to productivity growth are set only by the limits to human inventiveness .


  10. But even without protectionism , there are clear upside limits to the growth rate of Global trade .


  11. As Facebook begins to face limits to its growth in the next year or so , the ratio could shrink even more .


  12. It is hard to calculate the limits to investment growth in an economy awash with surplus labour and cheap capital .


  13. For about two decades , since the start of the current wave of globalisation , it seemed that there were no real speed limits to global growth .


  14. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said : There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth : it is YOU .


  15. Others may find you capable but you choose to impose limits to your own growth and potential .


  16. In a way , the commodity-price-led inflation surge of the past year was a message from the marketplace that there are limits to China 's growth potential .


  17. For if there are limits to emissions , there may also be limits to growth .
