Library Society of China

Library Society of ChinaLibrary Society of China
  1. Seventh Academic Committee of the Library Society of China : Organization and Future Work


  2. The seventh national congress of the Library Society of China is a milestone in the history of Chinese librarianship .


  3. A Overview on the FirstLibrarians ' Forums of 100 Counties Held by Library Society of China


  4. Marked by the " 2005 New Year Summit of the Library Society of China ", the library field took the initiative to participate in the legislation process of copyrights .


  5. In August 2005 , the Library Society of China published the Declaration of the Copyrights Issues in the Internet Environment , which expatiates the principals and standpoints the library field holds as far as the protection of copyrights .


  6. A Speech about the Library Volunteer Action on the Annual Meeting by Library Society of China


  7. The paper analyses the problems which exist in the library undertaking development . Then it points out the feasibility of carrying out profession management and the measures that Library Society of China should adopt .


  8. The Discrimination between Society of Library Science and Library Association with the Consideration on the Development Models of Societies of Library Science and Library Associations in China & 30th Anniversary of Library Society of China
