Leadership effectiveness

美 [ˈliːdərʃɪp ɪˈfektɪvnəs]英 [ˈliːdəʃɪp ɪˈfektɪvnəs]
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Leadership effectivenessLeadership effectiveness
  1. A Study on Leaders ' Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness in Companies


  2. This study focused on the relationship between corporate culture and leadership effectiveness under different organizational systems .


  3. The paper has introduced the study of leadership effectiveness theory at first ;


  4. The Foundation and Empirical Study of Leadership Effectiveness Affecting Dynamics Model


  5. A Study on Work Centrality and Its Relation with Leadership Effectiveness


  6. The Research on the Correlation between Biographical Characteristics and Leadership Effectiveness


  7. The second , leadership effectiveness , shows how to manage research teams .


  8. Research on leadership effectiveness has always been a core issue in the study of organizational behavior .


  9. Study of Leadership Effectiveness and Influential Factors on Secondary School Principals in Shanxi Province


  10. A Research on the Relationship of the Big-five Personality and Leadership Effectiveness


  11. Linking Corporate Culture to Leadership Effectiveness


  12. Completing the Leaders Action Plan to identify specific activities and behaviours which will result in increased leadership effectiveness .


  13. Elaborately analysis on the leadership effectiveness dimension is to propose five aspects of the effectiveness of strategic leadership .


  14. The leadership effectiveness gradually increased as the leaders got older , but it trended to decrease after the middle age .


  15. According to the theory of a contingency model , the key to leadership effectiveness lies in the match between leadership styles and different situations .


  16. Develop your coaching skills as they relate to professional organization and leadership effectiveness when you pursue your Master of Arts in Psychology , Execut


  17. This essay explored the relationship between biographical characteristics such as gender , age , educational background and leadership effectiveness through the empirical research based on the theories of leadership .


  18. While power influence and non-power influence complement and help each other forward , so as to promote leadership effectiveness , non-power influence plays a more important and crucial role .


  19. The findings indicate that 1 . Half of the candidates have relationship-motivation and work-motivation , who have higher level of situation control and leadership effectiveness ;


  20. Some opportune performance measurement indices of project manager in construction has been identified in this paper , and in-depth study of leadership effectiveness through two basic dimensionality-concern for people and concern for task-is carried out .


  21. The measurement of transformational leadership effectiveness was explored by 3 MLQ-5x accessory effect variables : subordinate perceived leader 's effectiveness , subordinate 's satisfaction for leadership , subordinate 's extra effort .


  22. Studies have indicated that proactive personality is related to a host of outcome variables , including individual work-related outcomes , career outcomes , team effectiveness , leadership effectiveness , newcomer adjustment , and entrepreneurship .


  23. The article mainly discusses charisma of entrepreneurs , leadership effectiveness , the environment uncertainty , the corporate performance and the relationship between them . Therefore , the transmission mechanism which regards leadership effectiveness as mediator has been formed .


  24. It needs a composition of force from three aspects to build a high effective administrative system . Firstly , it needs a good institutional environment . Secondly , it needs the ability of improving the leadership effectiveness . Thirdly , it needs a sound operational mechanism for local governments .


  25. Impact of Transformational Leadership on Team Effectiveness


  26. Based on the content of strategic leadership and leadership effectiveness , this paper proposes strategic leadership innovative models and strategic leadership effectiveness model .


  27. And the mechanisms underlining leadership and team effectiveness . Finally the authors indicated some promising field that the research would be conducted .


  28. In addition , among different team task types , it can be found that there are some diversities in the impact of team 's transformational leadership on team effectiveness .


  29. Currently , the school organizational form , school organizational culture , leading model and goal of school changing have trends to the school learning organization , school new organizational culture , school transformational leadership and school effectiveness .


  30. The Effect of Recognized Localized Leadership Style on Organization Effectiveness
