Latent Heat Flux

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Latent Heat FluxLatent Heat Flux
  1. In addition , except for the East China sea , the latent heat flux generally indicates a decreased distribution from north to south , while the annual averaged sensible heat flux shows an increased distribution .


  2. Share of latent heat flux in the heat budget tends to increase ;


  3. Latent heat flux in urban is smaller than suburban .


  4. Generally the latent heat flux increases gradually during the monsoon onset .


  5. Under the different Surface Cover , the Latent Heat Flux is difference with its unique properties .


  6. During this exchange process , Latent Heat Flux regulates the global water and the energy distribution .


  7. Big and Good Matter Oasis has low sensible heat flux and high latent heat flux ;


  8. Meteorological factors had no impact on the diurnal centroid for latent heat flux .


  9. The peak value of latent heat flux was higher than that of sensible heat flux in summer .


  10. Model calculation of sensible and latent heat flux in the ocean area between 50 ° s and Antarctic


  11. Under the limited data and resource conditions , the writer studies the Latent Heat Flux in the typical sample region .


  12. The results show that the latent heat flux is much greater than the ra-diate heat flux .


  13. The net radiation and contribution of latent heat flux tend to decrease due to increasingly grazing intensity .


  14. The sensible heat flux is very greater than the latent heat flux in the PBL air .


  15. The structure parameter of refractive index imaginary part for the different latent heat flux was calculated by means of simulation theory .


  16. Relationships of sensible heat flux , latent heat flux and momentum fluxes with meteorological elements are different .


  17. Long-term analysis : The sensible heat flux and the latent heat flux reanalysis data were bigger than their observed data .


  18. The results show that the ratio of the latent heat flux to the sensible heat flux is10.14 ;


  19. Both in clear and foggy conditions , sensible and latent heat flux have negative correlations to the air temperature .


  20. The results show that the positive sensible and latent heat flux usually appear in the areas of dust-storms occurring .


  21. The reaction of SST and sensible heat flux responding to abnormal latent heat flux curbs this positive feedback process .


  22. All the component changes of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux are related to the wet and dry & season changes .


  23. And ( 3 ) that surface latent heat flux may be one of the main heating factors for the subtropical high intensification and maintenance .


  24. The Distribution of Three Kinds of Different Alpine Meadow Vegetation and the Comparison of the Vegetation with Sensible Heat and Latent Heat Flux


  25. But latent heat flux can be up to 570 W · m - 2 , when precipitation occuring .


  26. KESSLER-MRF case produces the minimum latent heat flux while LIN-YSU produces the maximum latent flux .


  27. The half-year cycle of latent heat flux exists in the Xisha area , with the maximum appearing in winter .


  28. Latent heat flux , sensible heat flux , net radiation flux and photosynthetic active radiation are all significantly positively related with CO2 flux .


  29. In the SiB model , we calculated the radiation , sensible heat , latent heat flux and the daily variation of temperature at the surface .


  30. Analysis of boundary layer fluxes shows that the amount of latent heat flux leaded to differ the Khanun 's horizontal and vertical structure .
