Laplace Operator

  • 网络拉普拉斯算子;拉普拉斯运算;拉普拉斯运算子
Laplace OperatorLaplace Operator
  1. Pre-processing method for curves , including Laplace operator , morphologic operator and human-machine interaction .


  2. For certain initial conditions , we need only calculate their high order Laplace operator , then we can obtain the accurate solution of the initial value problem .


  3. Impulse hyperbolic partial differential equation oscillation higher order Laplace operator .


  4. Oscillation of systems of impulsive delay hyperbolic equations with high order Laplace operator


  5. An Integral Formula Involving Hamilton Operator and Laplace Operator


  6. The Laplace Operator and Its Properties in Finsler Space


  7. Laplace Operator and Its Application in Rotational Ellipsoid Coordinates


  8. For the shortcomings of Laplace operator , LoG operator is obtained by Gauss filtering function .


  9. Estimate of Dirac - Laplace Operator 's Eigenvalue Gap


  10. The estimate of first eigenvalue of Laplace operator on Riemann manifolds with bounday


  11. Analysis and Identification of the Systems Described by the Integral Powers , the Fractional Powers and the Transcendental Functions of Laplace Operator s


  12. Laplace Operator and Its Representations


  13. The classic methods of image edge detection includes difference operator , Roberts operator Sobel operator Prewitt operator Robinson operator and Laplace operator .


  14. The result indicates that the dimensional structure filter edge method can obtain a more intact and less noise image segmentation . Design of synchronization dimensional structure filter for Laplace operator


  15. The domain integral including inner source is translated into the complete boundary integral by the fundamental solution of high-order laplace operator . The two-dimensional problem becomes one-dimensional one .


  16. A system of linear equations founded on discrete Laplace operator is solved in the least squares sense and provide a theoretical proof for the reasonable deformation of mesh model .


  17. In this article , the author defines an inner product of differential form in Finsler manifold , which helps him lead to δ - operator and Laplace operator .


  18. A technique to generate unstructured grids in arbitrary 2D region is presented depending upon the new idea to smooth the grid scale , which gives new explanation of filtered Laplace operator .


  19. Most classic edge detection algorithm , such as gradient operator , Laplace operator , LOG operator , only detect edge of restricted types and they are sensitive to noise , too .


  20. Now , various methods can be used to detect microcalcifications , among them typical Gauss - Laplace operator ( LOG ) is one of effective methods . Although LOG can accurately detect microcalcifications , it is inefficient .


  21. So it can be concluded that by means of improving the Laplace operator , the effect of edge detection can be boosted , the continuity of edge can be well maintained and the edge can be detected precisely .


  22. In chapter three , we obtain invariance for Laplace operator on the configuration space over a Riemannian manifold in lifting of isometric mapping , we also generalization Heck operator of hyperbolic plane to the configuration space over a hyperbolic plane .


  23. The work is devoted to eigenvalue problems associated with a class of variable coefficients selfadjoint operators & Kohn Laplace operator on Heisenberg group . One obtains some priori estimate for discrete eigenvalues of the problem by group representation and Fourier transformation theory on n dimensional Heisenberg group .


  24. We also reveal the relationship between the extension algorithms of LPP and NPE on image matrices : they also provide two different ways to linearly approximate the eigenfunctions of the Laplace Beltrami operator on manifold .


  25. The sub-region subset algorithm is proposed . This algorithm selects LAPLACE edge detection operator seriously affected by noise to separate reconstruction images .


  26. Named for Pierre-Simon Laplace , the equation states that the sum of the second partial derivatives ( the Laplace operator , or Laplacian ) of an unknown function is zero .
