- n.煤酚皂溶液

They can be poisonous if ingested and have fatal consequences . Reckitt Benckiser , maker of the best-selling disinfectant Lysol , warned that its product should " under no circumstance " be injected or ingested . The president of the American Medical Association also joined in the chorus of concern regarding President Trump 's comments .
The comparisons of Bacteriocidal Effect of washing powder with Lysol and Domiphen
It 's living conndition in4 ℃ and1.5 % lysol are observed .
So , a search on for cleaning products might list Lysol as the top result , with a note that the result is sponsored , similar to paid search ads on Google .
Monica : Okay , you stay here , and just wait by the phone . Spray Lysol in my shoe , and wait for Ross to kill you .
You smell of lysol .
Sort of , I mean , a lot of those common household disinfectants , ur , that we think of things like Lysol or even things like wet wipes , things like that , have disinfectants in them .
The disinfection effect of 0.5 % TD was similar to those of 5 % lysol and 0.1 % bromogeramine . These results suggest that TD disinfectant can be employed for the disinfection of laboratory animal facilities .
There 's one research . There 's one piece of research that was on in Ireland not too long ago , looked at a common disinfectant called benzalkonium chloride which is the disinfectant that we find in wet wipes , things like Lysol and a lot of those products , even cosmetics that we use everyday .