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  • 网络后进先出法;先进后出;后入先出;后进先出表
  1. Perhaps for this reason , many businesses change from FIFO to LIFO .


  2. From Economic Perspective : the LIFO and the FIFO ; The method of process costing used .


  3. Research on the application of structure theory and LIFO costing for a power plant


  4. Computer Simulation on a Type LIFO Multiply Service Desk Mixed Queuing System Model


  5. The theory of thermoeconomics construction , analyzing a given system combining the LIFO .


  6. Cause Analysis on the Elimination of LIFO Valuation Method for Inventories Delivered out


  7. Although LIFO presents the least plausible flow of goods for most businesses , many firms use it .


  8. Stacks are used for storing data accessed in Last In , First Out ( LIFO ) order .


  9. Among this , resource management consists of insider scanner , Authentication buffer pool and LIFO stochastic release mechanism .


  10. LIFO better matches current costs against current revenues because the costs assigned to the cost of goods sold are relatively current .


  11. The instructions PUSH and QUEUE correspond to LIFO and FIFO operations on the stack .


  12. The building of criteria of cost sharing of thermoeconomics & the application of average unit cost , the theory of LIFO and the respectively advantages .


  13. It removes the last element in the List , last-in first-out ( LIFO ) style .


  14. The virtual stack like a real stack is a last in-first out ( LIFO ) data structure that temporarily stores function arguments and function results .


  15. A storage device that handles data so that the next item to be retrieved is the item most recently stored ; last in first out ( LIFO ) .


  16. The LR ( 1 ) parsing table excludes the GOTO unit and a LIFO stack is eliminated during a parsing process .


  17. When costs are increasing over time , which assumption ( LIFO or FIFO ) results in higher reported Net Income ? In a higher reported value for Inventory on the Balance Sheet ?


  18. A last-in , first-out ( LIFO ) method of queuing in which the last item attached to the queue is the first to be withdrawn .


  19. In the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No. 1 & Inventory , the LIFO valuation method for inventory has been eliminated . The main reasons are : it was usually used for a tool of profits adjustment ;


  20. In this case the row returned to RPG is dependent on which of the duplicate key handling DDS keywords ( LIFO ( default ), FIFO or LCFO ) were used when creating the keyed logical file .


  21. Two efficient-proved schemes : LIFO and FIFO are revised under the extended model . Closed-form solutions for the process time of these schemes are derived . Based on these expressions , the effect of control information on DLS scheduling strategies are analyzed .
