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  • abbr.液晶显示器;激光对抗系统(Laser Counter-Measure System);发射监控系统(Launch Control and Monitoring System);后勤能力度量系统(Logistics Capability Measurement System)
  1. Learning Content Management System ( LCMS ) is an important component of Learning Management Platform .


  2. The design of the prototype for learning contents management system ( LCMS ) and its implementation


  3. LCMS , in the application of education , has become one hot spot of the current information-based teaching research .


  4. With the popularity of the e-Learning , Learning Content Management System ( LCMS ) becomes a promising research area .


  5. OBJECTIVE To develop a sensitive and specific LCMS / MS method for the determination of medroxyprogesterone acetate in human plasma .


  6. Determination for Melamine in Food-LC and LCMS Method


  7. The learning management system will be divided into two major parts in this paper : the learning process management system ( LPMS ) and the learning content management system ( LCMS ) .


  8. The E-Learning is widely popular today , while Web-based learning system is developing from the earlier curriculum relationship system CMC to the Learning Management System ( LMS ) and Learning Content Management System ( LCMS ) .


  9. Objective To investigate the affinity of lipid-coated microbubbles ( LCMs ) for an injured site in rat brain , and discuss the mechanism of LCM targeting brain lesions .


  10. The optimization of a large complicated mechanical system ( LCMS ) can be realized satisfactorily , lies on the two factories : the one is to set up a reasonable optimization model ; the other is to select a effective optimal algorithm fit for this model .


  11. Owing to the limitation of time and condition , much work are required to do further in the future with the main target research on improvement in predicting precision of learners , XML Mining , sequence , and the support to LCMS and the agency .
