- abbr.基本飞机极限(Limited of Basic Aircraft);无外挂基本型飞机的各项极限(值);磁石电话机(Local Battery Apparatus)

LBA Structural Adhesive for Steel / Wood Door against Burglary
Agrobacterium strain of LBA 4404 was transformed with the two vectors respectively for plant infections .
Setup all the specific registers with LBA address .
Neuroprotective Effects of LBA on the Retina of Monocular Visual Deprived Amblyopia in Rats
Based on the LBA and the concepts of partial ( angular ) velocity and generalized speeds , a kinematic model of the system is developed .
The survival percentage of grafting was obviously restrained if we put GA3 , 6 ? BA or LBA into liquid culture media .
While 1 ~ 2mg / LBA was suitable for bud differentiation of protocorms with bud differentiation rate ;
This is most likely to occur in a BIOS that does not have LBA support , or some older boot managers .
Each partition is described in two ways : using cylinder / head / sector ( CHS ) notation and using logical block addressing ( LBA ) notation .
The larger disks in use today have forced an extension to LBA known as LBA48 , which reserves up to48 bits for sector numbers .
The results show that the medium WPM + 2.0mg / LBA + 0.1mg/LNAA is the optimum medium for sprouting of dormant buds .
Results were as follow , the32 hybrids tested grew well on lima bean agar ( LBA ), 24 of which were the intermediate between their parents in growth rate ;
It is also observed in the presence of TDI , adding 1.5 % lead o-amino benzoate ( LBA ) can markedly shorten the pot - life of the slurry .
The neuroprotective mechanism of LBA on visual development in deprived amblyopia rats might be related with up-regulating the expression of Bcl-2 and NGF , which could improve nutrition and growth of the nerve cells .
The result showed that , cotyledons with petioles could induce adventitious shoots on MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg/LNAA and 3mg / LBA , and induction frequency reached 100 % .
The results showed that the induction frequency of directly induced somatic embryos is highest when immature zygotic embryos are cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1mg / LIAA and 20mg / LBA .
Map matching technique of road network is the foundation of all kinds of location-based services ( LBA ) . In order to find the corresponded road information with the coordinate points accurately and quickly , we should index the road network .
Considering the cost of constructing the real networks , the maximum degree of nodes will be limited , so on the basis of the growing rules of the BA network , this paper proposes a limited-maximum-degree BA network model , called LBA network .
We further study the average path length , clustering coefficient and degree distributions of LBA network under the different values of the restriction of maximum degree K , and compared them with the statistical properties of the neighbor network , the random network and the BA network .
The resistance to metalaxyl of M r t single zoospore isolates reduced or lost gradually and the ratio of M r t to M s t of their zoospore progenies fell correspondingly after 10 14 days growth on the metalaxyl free lima bean agar medium ( LBA ) .