Knowledge link

美 [ˈnɑːlɪdʒ lɪŋk]英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ lɪŋk]
  • 网络知识链接;知识联盟;知识链
Knowledge linkKnowledge link
  1. In this research , patent knowledge link has been extracted with frequency item set of Apriori mining algorithms in association rules . Taking example by identification methods of complex network analysis , patent knowledge group has been recognized and calculated with Lambda Set from social network analysis .


  2. Therefore , a construction of indicator system has been established with a four level structure of patent knowledge unit , knowledge link , knowledge group and knowledge network .


  3. Three main aspects is : knowledge link , knowledge transform and knowledge control .


  4. A Dynamic Knowledge Link Model-Talent Mobility , Knowledge Spillover and Regional Development


  5. The cognition activity of curriculum knowledge producing link .


  6. Exploration of the Ecological Knowledge and Link of Ecological Fragility


  7. The key idea of this algorithm is to utilize shannon information entropy to represent the knowledge hided in link texts .


  8. We should carry on the popularization of technological knowledge in every link of our work such as publicizing and education to teenagers .


  9. Analyze and design the devices ' link error detective function in details , and then using production representation represent the knowledge of determining link errors and form the rule base ;


  10. If profound knowledge is the link between universities and the government , then the consideration of students ' value and profits is the ethical junction of universities and the government .


  11. In the structure of general quality of middle school teachers , cultural and scientific knowledge is a weak link .


  12. Conclusions To enhance the education of traffic safety knowledge is the important link of reducing thoracic trauma .


  13. The last link was the knowledge question and answer link ; schoolmates were all in very actively participation in this activity , which in return helped them expand their fire related knowledge .


  14. The hyper link of hyper media courseware can connect the courseware contents , forming an organic entirety of knowledge . The hyper link can also connect the multimedia element and document of the various networks ;


  15. The paper states knowledge as the resource of power , the power and knowledge link together generate the unequal relationship of the power of discourse .


  16. For their own strategic purposes and by agreement or co-organized approach , university and enterprise set up the University - Enterprise knowledge alliance which is a supplementary unified body which takes knowledge as its link .


  17. The type of knowledge element , indexing rule , knowledge element extraction with manual work and software , modification of knowledge element , representation of object of knowledge element , link of knowledge element are tested in this paper .
