Kearns-Sayre syndrome

  • 网络Kearns-Sayre综合征;综合征;综合症;卡恩斯-塞尔综合征;慢性进行性眼外肌麻痹综合征
Kearns-Sayre syndromeKearns-Sayre syndrome
  1. Sensorineural hearing loss in patients with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia or Kearns-Sayre syndrome


  2. Objective : To study the mitochondrial deletion DNAs of skeletal muscle from patients with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia ( CPEO ) and Kearns-Sayre syndrome .


  3. Methods : DNA samples extracted from skeletal muscles of 11 patients with CPEO and Kearns-Sayre syndrome were digested with the restriction endonuclease ( Pvu ⅱ) .
