John Key

美 [dʒɑːn kiː]英 [dʒɒn kiː]
  • 网络新西兰总理;约翰·基;约翰·凯伊
John KeyJohn Key
  1. New Zealand is preparing to open the Rugby World Cup , described by Prime Minister John Key as the biggest event his country has staged .


  2. New Zealand 's Prime Minister John Key has promised an investigation into the deaths of29 miners at the Pike River mine on South Island .


  3. Prime Minister John Key said he was comfortable with people wearing veils .


  4. Prince William attends a barbecue with John Key , thePrimeMinister of New Zealand .


  5. Prime Minister John Key , who rushed to the city from the capital , Wellington , said the death toll was liable to rise .


  6. The problem is most of John Key 's tax cuts went to the wealthiest New Zealanders , not to lower and middle income people who need it most .


  7. " People have been hanging on by their fingernails waiting for the brighter future John Key promised in2008 , but it hasn 't happened ," David Cunliffe said .


  8. A man working for a radio station breached security Monday night to sneak into a barbecue for William at Prime Minister John Key 's official residence in Wellington , police said .


  9. " This isn 't a short-term thing ," said Prime Minister John Key , who was scheduled to hold a cabinet meeting Monday to fast-track arrangements to restore Christchurch 's damaged infrastructure .


  10. The photograph were taken on Friday during an official visit by the New Zealand Prime Minister , John Key , who was in the country to watch his national team play in the Rugby World Cup Final .


  11. Prime Minister John Key last Monday announced an ambitious plan to completely rid the South Pacific nation of rats and some other nuisance animals , including possums and stoats , by the year 2050 .


  12. Working with the great John Toll was key .


  13. Working with the great John toll again was key .


  14. John and Yoko played key roles in the anti-war movement in the 1970s .


  15. If you want to send a private note to your friend John Doe , you encrypt that message with John Doe 's public key ( which you 've stored on your own keyring ) .
