John Buchan

  • 网络约翰·巴肯;约翰巴肯;巴肯;布肯;约翰·布坎
John BuchanJohn Buchan
  1. I left at noon , not staying to hear the commencement address by John Buchan .


  2. Duty is a power , which rises with us in the morning and goes to rest with us at night . & John Buchan


  3. Crystalline sharpness of outline - John Buchan .


  4. A detailed plan ; the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion - John Buchan ; the carefully elaborated theme .


  5. A commercial book ; preached a mercantile and militant patriotism - John Buchan ; a mercenary enterprise ; a moneymaking business .


  6. In an interview with The Paris Review , Mr. Houellebecq called the novel " a political fiction , " in the same vein as those of Joseph Conrad or John Buchan .
