Jia He

Jia HeJia He
  1. The valley area of lower reaches of Jia he River is the most seriously intruded by seawater in Yantai City .


  2. For the two series " Jia He 's Friend " and " The Corner of Potsdam Lane ", he chose to paint children of Xinjiang , who live around his studio .


  3. Secondly , combining with Jia he real estate development company project process , point out the key link of tax planning , analyze the distribution of Jia he real estate development company tax and the current fiscal situation , and find out the space of tax planning .


  4. In addition , design a specific schemes in view of the preparation , construction , sales and maintain links , using Jia he real estate development company tax planning ideas , principles and methods of tax planning . On this basis , put forward implementation measures of the schemes .


  5. In regards to tuition , Jia said he will cover the expense himself .


  6. That announcement appeared to come as a surprise to a Faraday Future executive sitting in the audience , who was shown shaking his head and seeming to gesture to Mr Jia that he did not want the news - shared privately before the stage show began - made public .


  7. Jia Yangui said he accepts the new system as a trade-off for escaping farm work in the northern province of Shanxi .


  8. People in Beijing are concerned about the change in the US defence posture , said Mr Jia , but added he thinks the development is not unexpected .


  9. The Style can be traced back to Zhang Ji , the poet in the Middle Tang Dynasty though it was represented by Jia Dao and Yao He .


  10. Jia has stated that he was inspired by the classic Chinese film Spring in a Small Town , also about the reuniting of former lovers in a rural river town in eastern China .


  11. Mid-Tang-Dynasty poets Jia Dao and Yao He are mentioned together by later generations as Yao and Jia on account of their closeness of friendship and similarity of poetic styles .


  12. They mainly referred to the poetry with re-emitting tendency , written in an ornate style and concentrating on bitter lives by three representative poets Meng Jiao , Jia Dao , Yao He .
