
美 [dʒɪn ʒɑk]英 [dʒiːn ʒɑːk]
  • 网络让-雅克
  1. Don 't you sell Jean-Jacques rousseau 's book ?


  2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau also noticed that private property makes man alienate .


  3. Prediction and Revelations on the Post Industrial Society from Jean-Jacques Rousseau


  4. The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau perceived the common issue three centuries ago .


  5. After several years of searching , producers finally found their man : Jean-Jacques Annaud .


  6. The Comparison of Thomas Hobbes , John Locks and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Social Contract


  7. Later political theorists , like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man .


  8. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the outstanding representatives in the 18th-century French Enlightenment .


  9. Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the great ideologists in the enlightenment of France , and also a disputed one .


  10. Rousseau , Jean-Jacques . The Confessions . New York : Oxford University Press , 2000 . Book I.


  11. " Patience is bitter , but its fruit is sweet . "─ Jean-Jacques Rousseau .


  12. Beyond Rhetoric : A Commentary on the Form and Structure of Jean-Jacques Rousseau 's Letter to M.D'Alembert on the Theatre


  13. Or chance decreed that Marius should traverse Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau between Enjolras and Courfeyrac .


  14. Jean-Jacques Grauher , secretary-general of the European Chamber of Commerce in Seoul , says the bill would damp foreign investment in Asia 's third-largest economy .


  15. If you don 't believe me about this , maybe you will consider the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau , one of the great readers of Plato 's Republic .


  16. and " Wolf Totem , " directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud , a Frenchman .


  17. This is the Rue Platriere , now called Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau , on account of a singular household which lived in it sixty years ago .


  18. It is based on a Chinese best-seller , but is directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud , a French director with a track record for incorporating wild animals in his stories .


  19. When Rousseau was10 his father fled from Geneva to avoid imprisonment for a minor offense , leaving young Jean-Jacques to be raised by an aunt and uncle .


  20. The influences the French Enlightenment writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau had on Ba Jin , a leading Chinese writer of the early 20th century , are reflected in his ideology , writing attitude and writing style .


  21. French filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud , who also directed The Bear ( 1988 ) and Two Brothers ( 2004 ) has proven he knows how to create a movie about wild animals .


  22. Based on a popular Chinese novel , Wolf Totem tells of a young man 's obsession with wolf packs in the Inner Mongolia grasslands . It was directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud .


  23. The revision of this theory by Jean-Jacques Rousseau consists not only in completing the concepation of freedom endowed by nature with that by society , but also in adding the demand of equality .


  24. Or , if you don 't believe Spinoza , if you don 't believe his authority is sufficient , consider someone who you 'll be reading in a couple of weeks , Jean-Jacques Rousseau , from the Social Contract .


  25. Starting from good emotion , Jean-Jacques Rousseau completed the conception of freedom endowed by nature in society , and added the demand of equality into this thought , which developed England liberalism of the 17th century on behalf of John Locke ;


  26. Some of its intellectual roots stretch back 50 years to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French publisher and journalist , who tried to galvanise Europeans into countering the threat from across the Atlantic with the publication , in 1967 , of The American Challenge .
