Jacques Derrida

  • 网络雅克·德里达;雅克·德希达;雅各·德里达;德希达
Jacques DerridaJacques Derrida
  1. This paper discusses a famous debate between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida .


  2. However , meanwhile we are well familiar with the critique of the presence formulated especially by Jacques Derrida .


  3. Jacques Derrida was a crucial person from Structuralism to Deconstruction .


  4. The Archaeology of Memory can be seen as a manifestation of the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida .


  5. Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism .


  6. The introductory part , discussed three issues : the life of Jacques Derrida brief outline , his main idea of deconstruction , and the reason for writing Specters of Marx .


  7. Using intertextual reading , this article discusses Jacques Derrida s logical thread in his deconstruction of Husserl s sign theory from the aspects of voice , expression , time and intuitive subject .


  8. Jacques Derrida , the world famous thinker , philosopher , and the founder of Deconstructionism , has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities .


  9. Here , the concept of " institution " is not only in the sense of " the institution of literature " that Jacques Derrida pointed out , but also in the means of what he calls the " text " .


  10. The present essay offers a critical reflection , from the perspective of literary theory and cultural criticism , the late French philosopher Jacques Derrida 's critical theory and the heritage which he has left behind him to contemporary literary theory and criticism .


  11. Based on the fact that metaphor is largely used in philosophy , Jacques Derrida deconstructs the dualistic antagonism of philosophical texts and literature texts from the perspective of philosophy 's anti-center , anti-authority , anti-Logos .


  12. Part One is a brief introduction to the author and his novel Second Skin . Part Two is an introduction to the theoretical perspective applied in the paper . In this part , the theories of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida will be introduced and compared .
