Inner Mongolia Art

美 [ˈɪnər mɑːŋˈɡoʊliə ɑːrt]英 [ˈɪnə(r) mɒŋˈɡəʊliə ɑːt]
  • 网络内蒙古艺术
Inner Mongolia ArtInner Mongolia Art
  1. The new museum , now under the leadership of Inner Mongolia Art and Literary Federation , has15 regular staff members .


  2. The Inner Mongolia Art Troupe initiated the new chapter of culture business of the Inner Mongolia region , and it also injected fresh blood for this old land at arts fields .


  3. In the early period of the liberation war , the famous cello virtuoso , choir master salad West in Inner Mongolia Art Troupe taught out of mulberry is such an outstanding music performer , to contribute to the development of music art .


  4. The study and research of Inner Mongolia folk art is always a fragile moment of the Chinese folk art .


  5. The main topics of the First Symposium on Inner Mongolia National Instrumental Music Art : 1 . the headstream of the national musical instruments in the north and the historical evolution ;


  6. The article introduces the process of how the author had written the paper " Exploration and Attestation of Hobus " in the Symposium on Inner Mongolia national Instrumental Music Art . It also illustrates the research line , principle and methods to study ancient music civilization .
