If the library

If the libraryIf the library
  1. Look in the catalog and see if the library has that book .


  2. If the library is not already open , click its name on the quick launch .


  3. Third , it must be authorized if the library provides the reader with digital copy .


  4. If the library is static , then at link time the code is linked in with your executable .


  5. If the library happens to use header files , those paths must be included using the-I option .


  6. If the library lacks the books you need , we will obtain them through their interlibrary loan system .


  7. If the library needs to be categorized , then the Category can be entered while creating the library .


  8. If the library of software is supported by a microcomputer , it becomes a virtual instrument included a lot of functions of measuring instruments .


  9. Of course , you can get rid of all of those directory flags if the library is installed in a standard library location .


  10. Even if the library works fine , they may decide that they should migrate to a brand new one ( for example , the one included with JDK1.4 )?


  11. If the library files become distracting or overwhelming in the Package Explorer , you can add a view filter that causes the files to not be displayed .


  12. If the library is configured to track versions of files , you can add the revised file as a new version , which becomes part of the version history of the file .


  13. If the library is selected to be deployed with the module in the dependencies editor , the module is packaged as an EAR and contains a copy of the library JAR file during deploy time .


  14. Do you know if the city library 's near here ?


  15. This parameter is only necessary if the type library file name is different than the assembly name .


  16. If the component library has not been used yet in any Web project , then no changes to the version are needed .


  17. It would know the right answers ahead of time , so it could determine if the JavaScript library was executing its selection correctly .


  18. But she could guess that he 'd gone somewhere that had some relation to those rivers of his if not the library , then some university .


  19. If the US Library of Congress could shrink its collections of 17 million books by the same factor we just discussed , it could replace 800 kilometers of shelf space with less than 40 meters of space .


  20. In the network environment if the college library functions well as the central of documentation and information resources , the organization structure , the development of cultural heritage resources and readers service should be reformed to adapt to the development of network of higher school .


  21. For example , Dojo widgets can run only if the core Dojo library is present .


  22. If it says the library is missing , more likely what is missing are the C header files that the software uses so those libraries can be compiled .


  23. Now I 'll introduce you to some of the Joda classes that you will commonly use if you adopt the library and show how to create instances of them .


  24. If youre in the library , the store or your own living room , highly grateful people recognize that frowning and looking sour isnt pleasant for anyone .


  25. But to compute the reliability index of a pipeline could become much simpler if the MATLAB program library ( Symbolic Math Toolbox ) is used to find partial derivatives and other functions .


  26. If the national digital library digitizes many kinds of works that others have the copyright and dissemination them on the net , Is it necessity to obtain the permission of copyright owners ?


  27. To improve the service level of the library , service mode and service theory must be reformed . If the service of library transfers completely , the new situation of reader services of the library will be open .


  28. If you go to the library , they have books .


  29. You could meet her if you went to the library this afternoon .


  30. If we take the knowledge library out of the expert system , we can get the archetype of expert system .
