Iced Coffee

美 [aɪst ˈkɔːfi]英 [aɪst ˈkɒfi]
  • 网络冰咖啡;冻咖啡
Iced CoffeeIced Coffee
  1. We 'd like to order an iced coffee , a Coke and a mineral water .


  2. Can I change my orange juice into iced coffee ?


  3. For example , you might love having a caramel iced coffee every morning .


  4. The glass of iced coffee sweated in the warm room .


  5. Make mine a cheeseburger and an iced coffee .


  6. Iced coffee ? Tell me it 's iced coffee .


  7. The people of the town liked to play tricks on him . others prefer iced coffee .


  8. Moreover , instant coffee is also convenient for preparing iced coffee , which is popular in hot seasons .


  9. She sat in the sun and sipped iced coffee .


  10. Yeah , or in the summer , you might want iced coffee , that 's like just iced tea .


  11. NOTE : The cream of all iced coffee is handmade , healthy and tastes smooth .


  12. In addition , it also provides iced coffee , ice sand , noise reduction headphones , towels and so on .


  13. I prefer iced coffee .


  14. Do you have iced coffee ?


  15. Half the participants were asked to hold a cup of warm coffee and half were asked to hold a cup of iced coffee .


  16. such as teas and iced coffee , but we ' ve come to the conclusion that we need to stay focussed ,


  17. Iced coffee with a frosty hint .


  18. I clucked sympathetically and reached for my iced coffee when Michelle beat me to it .


  19. Participants who had held the warm coffee were much more likely to score the pretend person as warmer than those who had held the iced coffee .


  20. Unfortunately , while you smugly sip a shaken martini - uh , iced coffee - you may not realize that your cover was blown .


  21. A woman has been arrested after police found cyanide in the iced coffee that she ordered for her friend in the moments before she dropped to the floor , started convulsing and died .


  22. Seasonal beverages like ice cream drinks , iced coffee drinks , margaritas , tropical cocktails and smoothies are favorites on spring break or for sipping with friends on the deck .


  23. Dr Rachel Thompson , Science Programme Manager for WCRF , said : " The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman 's daily calorie allowance is alarming .


  24. For example , if you 're going on a long drive and won 't have access to fluids ( or to bathrooms ) , you 'd be smarter to drink milk with its high hydration index rather than water or iced coffee .


  25. But if you look at the nutritional info , a large caramel iced coffee from a leading fast food chain has 680 calories . " That 's almost half the total daily recommended calories for an overweight adult trying to lose weight .


  26. When Driving Barista determines that the smartphone has not been tampered with for at least 100 kilometers , it will reward the driver with a coupon for a cup of blended or iced coffee at a Komeda Coffee Shop .


  27. Iced tea and coffee are popular drinks in hot weather .


  28. Iced versions of normal coffee such as frappuccinos contain so many calories that they increase people 's chances of becoming overweight , the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking , according to the World Cancer Research Fund ( WCRF ) .
