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  • abbr.询问语言
  1. Nutrient density is often expressed as the INQ ( index of nutrient quality ) of a food .


  2. Nutrient density and INQ are scientific ways of presenting sound information about the actual merits of foods .


  3. Notice that + inq was provided for all profiles in the examples above .


  4. The expression of the nutrient density of a food is presented as the index of nutrient quality ( INQ ) .


  5. Ideally , foods have an INQ of at least 1 for the various nutrients .


  6. One useful approach is to say that a nutritious food has an INQ of at least 2 for two or more nutrients .


  7. Notice that the examples provided here all contain-all , followed by additional rights such as + inq and + connect .


  8. In fact , some foods will have INQ values well in excess of 1 for one or more of the nutrients , making these foods good choices .


  9. INQ says they got Facebook to extend their social graph API and then are using behind-the-scenes wizardry to suggest top5 / 10 / 20 friends you interact most with .


  10. As a general rule , anything that is legitimately permitted to connect to the queue manager should be granted + inq rights on the queue manager and any objects it opens .


  11. While this may sound plausible , technical analyses by people intimately involved in the requisite semiconductor technologies tell The INQ that it is a bunch of bull : NV simply screwed up .


  12. The INQ Chat just has the higher spec ( having a GPS too ), although it does not have the power of a smartphone OS , someone that INQ will be resolving next year with their move to Android .


  13. Benincasa hispida Cogn . contains various mineral elements and vitamins , with a relatively high level of potassium and low sodium , with low heat energy and no fat . From the INQ value , it has been evaluated as a quality vegetable .
