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  • abbr.国际自动控制联合会(International Federation of Automatic Control);国际农业生产联盟
  1. The focus of my comments today is on IFAC , on our initiatives to strengthen our standard-setting processes , and on the significance of your most recent actions .


  2. The Compliance Committee will work with member bodies to encourage greater compliance with the standards , ethical code and other pronouncements of IFAC and of the IASB .


  3. IFAC and Its Activities in Power System Automation


  4. IFAC subjects itself to the high standards that we expect of our members .


  5. Intellectual Control ── A Goal Exceeding the Century ── Speech on the Fourteenth Conference IFAC


  6. The Newest Modification of CPA 's Business Scope and Principle System Made by IFAC & Discussion on CPA 's Business Scope and Principle System in China


  7. New trends of the automatic control in metallurgical industry-Review of 10th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining , Mineral and Metal Processing


  8. We compare and analyze the government financial report criterion established by GASB and IFAC , and try to give some improvements in this foundation .


  9. IFAC standard setters well recognize that use of our guidance is dependent on its quality , which , in turn is dependent on our due process .


  10. And each makes publicly available on the IFAC website agenda items and background materials for its meetings , as well as exposure drafts of proposed standards .


  11. In addition to setting International Standards on Auditing , IFAC , through its independent standard-setting boards , also establishes ethical , education and public sector accounting standards .


  12. It is a great honor for the Chinese science and engineering communities to host the 14th World Congress of IFAC in Beijing , China , at the end of this century .
