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  • abbr.国际红十字委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)
  1. I was pleased to open the Beijing Regional Delegation for East Asia in2005 , when the ICRC set up its Regional Delegation for East Asia in Beijing .


  2. In front of the ICRC delegation in Baghdad , anxious families came to read the lists of persons registered by the ICRC , in the hope of finding the name of a relative from whom they have no news .


  3. Three more ICRC workers whose identities are still unknown , remain missing .


  4. The ICRC said people are trapped and unable to flee to areas of safety .


  5. The ICRC and Chinese Embassy in Nairobi declined to comment .


  6. The ICRC also is providing protective clothing , as well as other supplies and transportation for people working in this campaign .


  7. In a hospital in Baghdad supported by the ICRC , volunteers are helping patients to wash themselves .


  8. Walid al-Moallem made the remarks during a meeting with visiting ICRC chief Peter Maurer .


  9. The Head of ICRC Operations , Pierre Kraehenbuehl , called it a full blown humanitarian crisis .


  10. On the Method of Rulemaking of Customary International Humanitarian Law : With Comments on the ICRC s Customary International Humanitarian Law ;


  11. Iraq and Iran had each separately signed a deal with the ICRC in the past but this is the first time they would work jointly .


  12. But the ICRC said it was not in charge of the convoy and had not clarified details of its contents .


  13. From its regional logistics centre and various delegations in Africa , ICRC spent an estimated US $ 68million on procurement .


  14. ICRC 's humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance .


  15. After crossing the border , the convoy will proceed under the auspices of the ICRC , it said .


  16. Now amid signs an attack on Benghazi is imminent , the ICRC has decided it has no choice but to withdraw .


  17. The ICRC said the organisation had been given a " green light " by the government to enter bab AMR with essential food and medical supplies today .


  18. ICRC Spokeswoman , Anna Schaaf , told VOA this aid will continue and even increase because of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the country .


  19. ICRC Calls for Greater Compliance with Geneva Conventions The International Committee of the Red Cross is calling for greater with the rules of war by states and armed groups around the world .


  20. The ICRC 's Somalia relief coordinator , Mathias Frese , said the organization will have tripled its food aid to Somalia from 2007 to 2008 .


  21. ICRC deputy director for operations , Dominique Stillhart described an instance of ICRC and Palestinian Red Crescent Society workers having to wait four days to reach a group of bombed houses .


  22. As the ICRC marks the 60th anniversary of the four Geneva Conventions on August 12 , the Swiss humanitarian agency warns that many of the laws The Conventions rules governing the conduct of international wars .


  23. Three of the six workers from the International Committee for the Red Cross , and one volunteer from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were released safe and sound , according to a tweet posted by the ICRC 's head operations for the Middle East .
