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  • abbr.互联网驱动器符权限(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
  1. I don 't want to go to the IANA every time I publish a media type within my enterprise .


  2. We are no longer using the IANA type ; instead , we are using the type that XML Encryption has specified .


  3. When overridden in a derived class , gets the name registered with the Internet assigned numbers authority IANA for the current encoding .


  4. XML Encryption uses the type definitions by IANA for various popular data formats such as RTF , PDF , and JPG .


  5. Similarly , you can encrypt any format by providing IANA values ( refer to the IANA Web site , see Resources ) .


  6. A significant weakness of HTTP in my view is its dependence on the MIME standard for media type identification and on the related iana registry .


  7. First generation network protocol identification technology is usually based on default port number . Because most of applications at that time were strictly complied with the IANA port number allocation , port-based identification technology is not only accurate , but also can meet the needs of real-time application classification .
