- abbr.智商(intelligence quotient)

In this future , differences in innate I.Q. are less important .
A year later , 47 percent of them had gained 20 or more I.Q. points .
In education , the one thing we know how to measure best is I.Q. ,
Instead of an I.Q. score , you get a Z.Q. score when you wake up .
Force equals mass times acceleration . Equivalent I.Q. I.Sensitivity
General intelligence consists of at least three elements besides I.Q. : an extensive vocabulary , and good reading and writing skills .
Many children with a high intelligence quotient ( I.Q. ) become common people in the future because they have not been cultivated well .
It wasn 't good looks , physical health , and it wasn 't I.Q. It was grit .
I.Q. scores have been measured since 1916 , when Alfred Binet developed his intelligence scale .
Bad environments suppress children 's I.Q.
The New Zealand study was challenged by a Norwegian researcher who said socio-economic factors may have played a role in the I.Q. loss .
While intelligent ( with an I.Q. of 116 ) , he was an underachiever who was quick to lose his temper .
To succeed as a manager , whites needed an I.Q. of 100 , while Chinese-Americans needed an I.Q. of only 93 .
The cheerful I.Q. Zoo was also a government-funded testing ground for other applications of animal training such as espionage research . Ravens proved to be a particularly good subject in this regard .
Boost your ' I.Q. ' To land a job overseas you 'll need evidence you understand different cultures and are willing and eager to immerse yourself in them , Hachey says .
Mom , it 's a beauty contest . It 's Miss USA. Otherwise , it would be called Miss High I.Q. Which no one would watch , because it would be boring , like my life !
After conducting I.Q. tests of students at a California school , the experimenters told the teachers the names of one-fifth of the children who they said were special , and expected to soar .
Called the I.Q. Zoo , this theme park featured animals trained to perform humanlike activities , such as chickens playing baseball , pigs playing the piano , and raccoons playing basketball .
The two groups started out with the same scores on I.Q. tests , but in the end 55 percent of the Asian-Americans entered high-status occupations , compared with one-third of the whites .
What struck me was that I.Q. was not the only difference between my best and my worst students . Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric I.Q. scores .
In " Sherlock , " he looks like the sort of person who has a stratospheric I.Q. and an abysmal E.Q. but is dead sexy with it ;
And then there are nascent areas of research suggesting that pollution can lower children 's I.Q. , hurt their test scores and increase the risks of autism , epilepsy , diabetes and even adult-onset diseases like multiple sclerosis .
We gave each volunteer an individual I.Q. test , but teams with higher average I.Q.s didn 't score much higher on our collective intelligence tasks than did teams with lower average I.Q.s. Nor did teams with more extroverted people , or teams whose members reported feeling more motivated to contribute to their group 's success .