Hydrostatic equilibrium

  • 网络流体静力平衡;流体静力平衡状态;流体静力学平衡
Hydrostatic equilibriumHydrostatic equilibrium
  1. A point worth emphasizing is that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled with great accuracy in stellar atmosphere .


  2. Undisturbed earth 's gravity field under the status of hydrostatic equilibrium is parallel gravity field , and its distribution of mass density is spherically Symmetric .


  3. A star will collapse while its gravity is so powerful that could not reach the hydrostatic equilibrium .


  4. Hydrostatic equilibrium does not hold in prominences . Magnetic field plays an important role in the supporting of prominences .


  5. Consequently , the result is that we modify the equation of state , hydrostatic equilibrium equation , the boundary condition and the energy flux .


  6. The sand column , saturated at its lower portion and initially in the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium , is drained at its bottom at constant head .


  7. In this paper , we established a three dimensional hydrostatic equilibrium air-soil coupling model in G ― Chen coordinates system which fully contained the thermal and dynamic process of terrain , vegetation and water surface in detail .


  8. Two representative profiles are selected to validate the above preliminary conclusion , by ratio of bed depth to ice thickness , and height divergence between the measured height and the calculated value according to ice thickness by hydrostatic equilibrium theory .


  9. Based on the loading theory of an elastic earth , and the distributions of dry air and its vertical gradients of temperature under hydrostatic equilibrium , we have theoretically modeled the effects of barometric pressure on the observations of deformation , gravity and tilt .


  10. The energy transport associated with radial motions is neglected and the vertical structure is constructed by assuming a Keplerian rotation and local hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium .


  11. Study on Application of Hydrostatic Bearing to the Equilibrium of Axial Force of Multistage Centrifugal Pump


  12. On the other hand , hydrostatic pressure increases the equilibrium melting temperature , thereby increases the degree of supercooling and accelerates the crystallization rate .
