Human Immunoglobulin

  • 人免疫球蛋白
Human ImmunoglobulinHuman Immunoglobulin
  1. Comparing the results of two methods of stabiliy test for human immunoglobulin


  2. Electrochemical Impedance Method Based on Enzyme-Catalyzed Depositing Enlargement Used for the Immunoassay of Human Immunoglobulin M


  3. A New Production Technology of Human Immunoglobulin G


  4. Study and observation on reducing ACA of human immunoglobulin for intravenous injection


  5. The sequences were highly homologous to human immunoglobulin genes .


  6. Construction of human immunoglobulin combinatorial library containing D-Dimer on the surface of phage


  7. Studies on Fastness of Pig Blood Nitrosohemoglobin A New Production Technology of Human Immunoglobulin G


  8. PCR-amplification and secretion expression of human immunoglobulin kappa chain constant region


  9. Construction of human immunoglobulin combinatorial library and screening of phage antibodies to hepatitis A virus


  10. Inactivation effect of incubation at low pH value on virus and influence of it on quality of human immunoglobulin


  11. The Distribution of Human Immunoglobulin Gm , Km Factors in Han Nationality and Uighurs


  12. A new method used to screen the human immunoglobulin heavy chain C γ gene by means of PCR-screening phage library


  13. Preparation of a Micro Immunoglobulin G Immunosensor and Its Highly Sensitive Potentiometric Response to Human Immunoglobulin G


  14. A new method for determination of human immunoglobulin G. A. M ( IgG . IgA . IgM ) is described .


  15. Reconstruction of large genomic segment coding for human immunoglobulin κ chain by meiotic homologous recombination of yeast artificial chromosome


  16. The EDMA based capillary monolithic columns were applied for analysis standard human immunoglobulin G ( HIgG ) and human serum .


  17. Objective To evaluate the safety measures for children with severe aplastic anemia , treated by the combination of human immunoglobulin and cyclosporin A.


  18. Objective : To prepare polyclonal antibody against human immunoglobulin G ( human IgG ) and to use this antibody in the clinical diagnosis of nephrosis .


  19. A micro amperometric immunosensor that can be easily integrated with processing circuitry , is developed for human immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) detection .


  20. Objective Human immunoglobulin combinatorial library was generated by using phage surface display expression system , and phage antibodies ( Fabs ) to platelet were screened .


  21. Human Immunoglobulin (γ - G ), as cell surface receptor of lymphocyte , plays important roles in many cell actions , it also plays a key role in human immune response .


  22. A Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay for Determination of Human Immunoglobulin ( IgG ) in Urine-Streptavidin-Eu (ⅲ) as a label in immunoassay


  23. Purified equine ( horse ) rabies immunoglobulin provide at least a partial solution to current problems of insufficient quantities and the high cost of human immunoglobulin in developing countries .


  24. A sequential injection renewable surface heterogeneous fluorescence immunoassay system with chip-based micro-flow-through cell was developed for the determination of human immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) in serum .


  25. Human immunoglobulin combinatorial library was generated by using phage surface display expression system , and phage antibodies ( Fab fragments ) to hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg ) were screened from it .


  26. This paper reported 20 cases of joint imaging in active Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) by using 99mTc labeled human immunoglobulin G ( HIG ), 16 of which were compared with 99mTc-MDP .


  27. Preparation of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody Against Human Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) and Identification of the Co-localization of IgG and Heat Shock Peotein 70 ( HSP70 ) in Tumor Cells


  28. The positive rates of anti-HCV and HCV RNA in human immunoglobulin were obviously higher than that in human serum albumin ( 30 % , 20 % and 0.5 % respectively , P 1 < 0.01 , P 2 > 0.05 ) .


  29. Methods Human immunoglobulin heavy chain Fd genes and κ chain genes were amplified by RT PCR and phage antibody library was constructed . Human anti AFP Fab was obtained and its binding activity to AFP was tested by ELISA .


  30. METHODS 110 batches of FFP , human immunoglobulin and human serum albumin were detected for anti-HCV , HCV RNA , anti-HIV ( 1 + 2 ) 、 HIV-1 RNA by ELISA , western blot ( WB ) and PCR .
