Historical law

美 [hɪˈstɔːrɪkl lɔː]英 [hɪˈstɒrɪkl lɔː]
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Historical lawHistorical law
  1. On the Role of Subject Mechanism in the Historical Law of Socialism


  2. Historical law is the important part of theoretical content of Historical materialism .


  3. Three generation leaders historical law of the thought construction of china communist party


  4. So the new change of the capitalism has not changed the historical law .


  5. Historical law is , in essence , the law of man 's practical activity .


  6. The Statistical Characteristics of Historical Law


  7. On the Spontaneity and Consciousness of the Action Mechanism of Historical Law


  8. The Existence of the Historical Law


  9. From a different philosophy , history philosophers have constructed their own theory of historical law .


  10. This is the noumenon affirmation of the historical law .


  11. Historical law is dominant in the historical development , but man isn t helpless in front of it ;


  12. Popper have different law criterions in scientific law and historical law is a serious limitation of his idea .


  13. Two important aspects of the objectivity of historical law are whether there is historical law and whether it depends upon man 's will .


  14. So , if also like physics as remove each experiment record personality and only see its generality , historical law also can use experimental proof .


  15. A country history or a national history progresses under a specific historical law . A universal historical law only guides in principle a historical process .


  16. Discussing whether the form of natural science law is applicable to history can not directly confirm the existence or nonexistence of the historical law .


  17. If there is a single human action due to free will , no historical law exists , and no conception of historical events can be formed .


  18. He infer the historical law and the highest value ideal of ' free and all-sided development of human being ' from real person and labour .


  19. This paper thinks that historical law exists in the form of statistical law and it can be realized only as a tendency in the swinging of accidental factors .


  20. Nowadays , the trend of the urbanization is a trend of the world , is the inevitable outcome of socio-economic development too , It is the irresistible historical law .


  21. Guided by the materialism of Marxism , from the aspects of essence and historical law , this chapter displays a thorough analysis to the basic theoretical problems of the ruling foundation of our Party .


  22. The common historical law revealed in historical materialism is not a historical evaluation pattern composed by several consecutive concrete historical stages , but rather the intrinsic , fundamental law of causality behind the historical movement .


  23. Marxist Philosophy holds that historical law is abstracted from the history reality . It should belonging to the theoretical world and possessing the Characteristic of causal necessity or determinism on account of abstract .


  24. We study the relevant argumentation of cadre 's selection conscientiously standing in historic and realistic angle is of significance to understand the historical law of selection further and strengthen the construction of the cadres ' ranks .


  25. Marx and Engels ' works reflect the historical law of that time , and at the same time has directing importance at present and are of important significance to our goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects .


  26. They both put individuals within the framework of country and society on the basis of a set of transcendental ideas . They try to realize the individual purpose of managing history development by replacing the personal autonomous selection with the objectivity of historical law .


  27. The emergence of anti-torture campaign in contemporary era is conforming to the objective historical law of the decline in torture , and by establishing a legal system to control the torture behaviors , its objective to eradicate torture will be ultimately achieved .


  28. The character reflects not only the reality and the historical law , but also directs CPC to create , to be brave in opening up , to raise our leading level , ruling ability , and the ability of resisting risk and of controlling political situation .


  29. The fate of the tragic spirit was yet changed marvelously under the historical law , and turn the contradiction between the history and ethics into social willing suppressing the personal feeling , its expressions were the suffering with " been killed by the parents " .


  30. Another one kind is historical document law , is to pass the data collecting the various document , extracts the method studying relevance information 's with the problem .
